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Messages - Kingtem

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Documentation / Re: UIInput
« on: February 25, 2014, 08:20:54 PM »
Yes, thats the point, the problem was solved by switch to standalone platform. Thank you!

NGUI 3 Documentation / Re: UIInput
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:36:54 AM »
Thank you Aren! So is that the same reason to make "selectOnTab" dosen't show?

NGUI 3 Documentation / Re: UIInput
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:07:16 AM »
Yes, I've tried many times. Besides, if I create a new variable(Any type) next to "selectOnTab", the variable dosen't show in inspector too.

NGUI 3 Documentation / Re: UIInput
« on: February 17, 2014, 04:43:10 AM »
Hi Aren,
      My NGUI 3.4.9 dosen't show the "Select on Tab". I tried import NGUI into different project but the same result, then I open the "UIInputField" script, which the variabe is correct but just dont show itself in inspector, its strange...... :-\

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Dynamic Fonts v2.6.0
« on: May 09, 2013, 07:47:19 AM »
Does Unity actually send the data in Input.inputString? If it doesn't, there is nothing I can do.

Yeah, sure Unity could send data in it. And I found a strange thing: When I create a new project and inport NGUI 2.6.1d, then build an "exe" or Adroid app, both of them can input unicode, but for a previous project, even i replace the old NGUI, which still not work and just stop the application.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Dynamic Fonts v2.6.0
« on: May 08, 2013, 06:49:01 AM »
Well, I'm using Korean Font. It has English, Korean Glyph and Tested following:

1. Typing English in UILabel from Inspector (Editor, Play Mode) => OK

2. Typing English in UILabel inside UIInput from Inspector (Editor, PlayMode) =>OK

3. Typing English in UIInput (PlayMode) => OK

4. Typing Korean in UILabel from Inspector (Editor, Play Mode) => OK

5. Typing Korean in UILabel inside UIInput from Inspector(Editor, PlayMode) => OK
6.Typing Korean in UIInput ( PlayMode) => Fail

Fail Means, any Charactor added nothing. 

UILabel works fine every situation.  May be font looks not problem..

I've got the same problem. Can not input any unicode character from UIInput, but the UILabel seems work! And I test it with Unity "GUI", it can handle the case. For now, its very important for me. Aren, I need your help.  :o

Pages: [1]