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Messages - newDev

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Shader for sprites in UIAtlas
« on: April 14, 2014, 02:59:38 AM »
Hi! i'm trying to effect sprites in UIAtlas by shader to create disabled state for UI. I see, that default shader for UIAtlas can change color and alpha of separate sprite in atlas, as well as it's position without effecting the whole atlas. I want to change sprites saturation in the same way, so i need to pass some parametrs in the custom shader. But when I sat shaders property from the script attached to the UISprite the changes apply to the whole atlas, not just for that separate sprite. Can you tell me, what am I doing wrone and is there any way to solve this problem?

I know, that the most simple solution is to use UITexture, not UISprite. But I'd like my texture sprites to stay in UIAtlas.


NGUI 3 Documentation / Re: UI2DSprite
« on: April 13, 2014, 04:58:11 PM »
Hi! Its said that atlas would be automaticaly created, can you explain when and how does it happen, please? Does it mean that all the sprites marked with some unique Packing tag will be collected together in the build? How would it affect the game performance comparing with the usage of UIAtlases?

And one more question. In my game there is a necessity to use two complects of graphics - SD and HD, everything is clear in case of UIAtlases. What about graphics for UI2DSprites? Is there any way to set some kind of reference for it?

Thank you in advance!

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Overlapping box colliders
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:54:03 AM »
I didn't mesion, children objects of ScrollView are already Widgets with BoxCollider. I need the Container to be draggable and its children to be clickable at the same time.
The problem is that Containers BoxColliders overlap childrens ones and don't let touch to pass true the hierarchy of objects.

NGUI 3 Support / Overlapping box colliders
« on: March 05, 2014, 06:48:41 AM »
Hi! I have a Scrollview with a widget (let's call it Container) in it. This widget has a number of children with BoxColliders. The problem is that BoxCollider of the Container overlap children BoxColiders. So the ScrollView can be dragged, but it's children elements can't be clicked. The situation is opposite, if i set children elements Depth bigger then Containets one. Is there a way to prevent it?

There was an alike topic where you said that there would be added a functionality to determine a list of widgets hit underneath. Tell me please, if it was added and how can i use it to solve my problem?


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