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Messages - ysrikanth2011

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / How to use Tweening Bounce animation?
« on: October 29, 2014, 03:24:29 AM »
I have created a new label and added tween to it for the position.
Now I want to attach a Bounce In animation instead of the default Linear Animation, but there is no option to add it.
Also , I want to know how to do tweening through a script.



I have a Horizontal scrollview which has items.
The scrollview is for store characters similar to Temple Run 2, One character at a time in the page. I have 7 characters presently.

I am controlling this scrollview using two methods :
1) Swiping left and right. :
This functionality is automatically provided in NGUI , but I want to reduce the sensitivity of this . I have changed the MomentumAmount to 35 but this has some negative effect. When using on low screen devices if we swipe , the screen directly jumps from 1 to 3 or 4rth element. And on very high screen devices we have to apply  more force to move items.
Is there fix for this ?

2) Using two Buttons for scrolling items left and right :
I have acheived this using Scroll (delta) function in the ScrollView Class, but it is not working as expected .
 The delta value is required to be changed according to device resolution .
And also the scrollview is moving , pausing for a moment and moving again, how to overcome this.(This happens on a tablet , but works normally in the mobile device).

I have turned the DragEffect to None as I want no Effect .
Is there any method to say that only to go to next element ?

Thanks in Advance...

Thankyou very much Aren Mook . I am very happy with NGUI and your support.


I am having a Texture of dimensions 800(width)  and 1280 (height). I want to align this as a background image for every menu.
I am creating this a NGUI-> Create -> Texture.
The problem is this image is not aligned correctly for different screen resolutions.
The corners are not being aligned properly. If I align the scaling in one resolution and it differs in another screen res.

How can I overcome this ?

NGUI 3 Support / how to identify the item index of ngui scrollview.
« on: July 22, 2014, 03:21:28 AM »

I am having 5 items in a scroll view . I want to know which item I am presently viewing.

Can I find the index of the item which I am currently viewing?

Ok I have finally solved this problem by creating a new camera for the Character and set it to show only that character .
This link was very useful :

Hello ,
I am creating a store which has different characters.The character is seen in the scene view but I can't see it in the Game View .
Do I need a new camera which shows this model or I would have to change some properties of the existing UICamera of NGUI .
I am using the NGUI version 3.6.1 .
Also I need to make the model scaling very large such as 100,100,100  in order to be viewed does this affect performance and is there any solution , Also I will have to reduce the size of the NGUI Sprites to be  very low like 0.2 , does it mean I will have to take very small images?

P.S : I have changed the character Layer to UI , which is the layer for UIRoot2D and all UI Elements .

NGUI 3 Support / NGUI ScrollView Items jump upon interaction
« on: May 15, 2014, 12:21:41 AM »
Hi ,

I have created a scrollview, created a grid under it  and added some items to the grid.
Added the UIDragScrollView script to each individual items.
I have multiple items under each item.
Some items are changing their positions under interaction ,some time why is it ?

Hi ,

I have created a large image as an UITexture instead of the adding it to the atlas, I have created as NGUI->Create->Texture.
The image is being displayed well in unity editor but when deployed to mobile displays a black screen . why is this happening .

Also I have seen some sprites that are added to atlas and then created have a line of white colour , near them , I think these are created as I have scaled down largely like 0.1 . All the images I have imported into NGUI displayed as very large images why is this happening ? Any ways to resolve this issue .

Thanks in Advance.

I actually want to know the index of the item currently clicked. I know the method "UIGrid.GetChildList()"    but where is the "indexof()" method ?

Hi ,

I have a  vertical scrollview which has items scrolling. I have added a grid under it and some sprites under the grid .
How to know Which item(index) that I am clicking now ?
I have seen the UIScrollView and UIGrid class , but I did not found any  supporting method .

Please let me know a possible way of doing this .

Thanks in Advance.

NGUI 3 Support / Hi New to NGUI and just checking out the docs.
« on: April 10, 2014, 01:40:23 AM »
Hello EveryOne ,

I am new to NGUI and just starting with NGUI Version 3.4.9 . I have checked out the documentation and it refers to  "Open the NGUI menu and select Create a New UI "  in step 1
And NGUI menu -> Create a Widget in step 2 .
 But there is no such kind of menu in here .

Is this documentation refers to older version of NGUI ?
Where can I find the updated documentation ?
I am starting with creating buttons .,etc by right clicking on the scene is it fine ?

Thankyou .

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