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Messages - cp20s

Pages: [1]
Other Packages / Re: FOW - Reveals directly below
« on: May 30, 2014, 05:07:47 PM »
Ok, thanks.  I'll attempt that approach.  Thanks again for the response and solid assets.

Other Packages / FOW - Reveals directly below
« on: May 29, 2014, 12:07:06 PM »
Hi, I couldn't find this question asked before.

Is it possible to prevent the FOWRevealer to not cast visibility through terrain (or any other layer) directly below the object?  Or limit the reveal depth below the object?  I have a multistory scene and it looks awkward to reveal the FOW below the object even when its on separate floors.  The SphereCast reveals all FOW below the object until y=0.

Thanks again!  And it's amazing asset.

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