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Messages - pstpetrov

Pages: [1]
Here is how to replicate it:

1. Create new project with NGUI and open the Chat Area scene (Example 12).
2. Create the Resources folder and drop the attached .txt file in it. This will be a text resource.
3. Modify the ChatInput.cs script. Replace everything under OnSubmit() with:

TextAsset txt = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("C8 - root - undefined", typeof(TextAsset));

4. When you run the project and hit Enter on the Input Edit Field you will see how the text is cut off. It ends with "is coming fr", see attached screenshot. When you scroll up and down it doesn't show as well. The only thing you can do is use the resize thing at the bottom right and then it works.

Yes I have tried that. The correct text is added, it is not cut off before that step.

I tried the same in the sample chat scene. The text is still cut off but when I resize the chat area using the bottom right gadget the text appears. The scroller doesn't update though.

1. Add a paragraph to the chat area programatically.
2. Text is cut off
3. Resize Chat Area using the bottom right gadget.
4. Text appears but scroller doesn't work. Scroller works only when I add a second paragraph.

I have an issue with Chat Area (UITextList). I have predefined text resources which are loaded based on which game object (GO) the user taps on. These are paragraphs usually 10-20 lines of text. It loads properly in my production version (released in April 2014, not sure which NGUI version).

Now with NGUI 3.8.0 only the text which can be shown on the screen (without moving the scrollbar) is loaded. It looks like the script cuts off the rest and when you scroll down it is empty. You can see in the screenshot how the paragraph is cut off at: "the pressure is still the". There is more text after that which is not loaded.

Here is my code:

TextAsset txt = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("TextAssets/Centers/" +, typeof(TextAsset));
string content = txt.text;

//I also tried this as a public member: TextList.Rebuild();, no success

What am I missing


NGUI 3 Support / Re: why,popuplist postion error
« on: November 28, 2014, 09:48:29 PM »
I am seeing the same error.

I have a UI Root with UIRoot.ContentWidth = 1536 and UIRoot.ContentHeight.Height = 2048.

When I put the PopUp control there, the resulting popup list is showing in the middle of the screen instead of right above or below the PopUp control. Also the resulting popup is the same small size regardless of the size of the PopUp control.

When I drop the control and view it under the auto generated UI Root, it looks fine.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Unity 5 Bugs
« on: November 01, 2014, 12:54:21 PM »
For new development, do you recommend that we stick with Unity 4.5 and the latest NGUI while this is sorted out?

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