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Messages - Baroni

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Re: ScrollBar issue
« on: January 06, 2014, 03:18:42 PM »
Actually no, it was my fault. My draggable items exceeded their clipped panel by a few pixels, what caused the scrollbar to stay active. Sorry for the false alarm and thanks for looking into this.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: ScrollBar issue
« on: January 03, 2014, 06:41:52 AM »
I am experiencing this issue too (in 3.0.8f3, but it seems it isn't fixed in f4 by looking at the change log), let me know if you need another repro.

It won't. That's why you should mention that your asset requires NGUI. Your customers will have to import their own paid version then.

You can use the paid version to create your asset. But - when submitting, make sure you don't include NGUI. Also, it is important that you state in the asset description that your asset requires NGUI to work properly. The Asset Store review team already know errors related to NGUI packages and won't investigate them in your submission.

We did this with our tower defense kit so far:

Or, you work with the free version and include it in the submission. Then everything works right out of the box... but the free version is quite outdated and really just for testing NGUI. When users want to import their paid version over the free version, they will blow up with errors.

Good morning Aren,

please consider adding a group variable to the UICheckbox component, just as in UIButtonTween and its tweenGroup variable.
From the documentation: "If there are multiple tweens, you can choose which ones get activated by changing their group.". I would like to use this behavior for checkboxes too, so I can specify a group of checkboxes under the same parent.

My use case:

Each one of my prefabs has multiple checkboxes and they all share the same parent (radio button root). My hierarchy looks like this:

Panel (radio button root)
- Item 1
--- checkbox 1
--- checkbox 2
- Item 2
--- checkbox 1
--- checkbox 2

Desired behavior: checkbox 1 of Item 1 should be associated with checkbox 1 of Item 2. If I click on checkbox 1, it should send its state change to other checkboxes within the same group (1).
Current behavior: clicking on a checkbox sends a state change notification to all other checkboxes, be it checkbox 1 or 2. That's because they share the same radio button root. I instantiate the prefabs at runtime, re-parenting them to other transforms would be a mess, to say the least.

I am developing a package for the Asset Store that will require the paid version of NGUI, therefore I can't implement and distribute, as per license, a modified UICheckbox component in my package.

Thank you so much for your efforts and your consideration!

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UI Label line break \n \\n, possible bug
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:21:27 AM »
Great, thanks for the clarification.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UI Label line break \n \\n, possible bug
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:36:52 AM »
Thanks for the reply, you're right. Just tested a direct assignment and it works as expected.

The real issue, however, lies in the (indirect) assignment of an inspector string to the UILabel via code. I can't do something like this:

  1. public UILabel myUILabel;
  2. public string myText;
  4. void Start ()
  5. {
  6.    myUILabel.text = myText;
  7. }

With a \n or \\n , the UILabel will draw the text just as it is. I can't press enter in the inspector for a string value.
Just to clarify: The \n version for strings gets displayed correctly in the free version of NGUI.

NGUI 3 Support / [SOLVED]UI Label line break \n \\n
« on: July 17, 2013, 05:39:53 PM »

straight to the point: The typical line break on UI Labels doesn't work. I attached a screenshot of one of your examples named "Example X", running Unity version 3.5.5f2 or 4.1.5f1 and NGUI 2.6.3.

You can see the line break approach with \n in the image, however I searched on the forums and found that one should use \\n now, but that doesn't work either. Encoding checked or unchecked, same result. Please advice me how to proceed further, thanks.

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