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Topics - jjobby

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / How to handle many childs (400-500) in draggable panel?
« on: January 16, 2014, 09:14:56 AM »
I need to show friends image from friend list of player in facebook. The problem is that the player can have many friends (some can have more than 1000). The draggable panel becomes very slow and I receive too many vertex message. How do you handle this problem? I really appreciate your suggestion.

I need my game to support multi-language. Is it possible to use system font on device with UILabel? According to this docs.

I tried to not select include font data and specify font name in Font Names field. But Unity said that "The target platform does not have access to any system fonts. Including Font data even though the importer is set not to" Can someone here successfully use system font together with UILabel? Or do you have any other solution for multi-language support game?

NGUI 3 Support / Unity always use double memory for every texture
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:45:21 AM »
Hi, my game has a memory issue. I use many texture Atlas created from NGUI. My game has many GUI atlas and I don't want to compress it due to image quality. I think that one of the main reason which cause the memory issue in my game is because of Unity double memory allocation from each texture atlas. This topic may be more suitable for Unity forum. I have already asked this question in Unity forum.
I tried creating three built exe on window.
Scene 1. Plane with empty texture.
Scene 2. Plane with 1024x1024 texture RGBA 32 bit 4 MB (from import setting).
Scene 3. Plane with 2048x2048 texture RGBA 32 bit 16 MB (from import setting).

I made sure that all textures didn't use mipmap and didn't read/write enable.

Memory usage in task manager (I waited a bit until all scenes memory were stable)
Scene 1. 29.9 MB
Scene 2. 37.8 MB (different from Scene 1: 7.9 MB)
Scene 3. 62.0 MB (different from Scene 1: 32.1 MB)

It loos like that Unity allocated double memory for each texture. Is this an expected behavior?

But no one seems to know what exactly the reason behind this behavior. I've read that ArenMook is hired by Unity to develop their new GUI. This question may not be related to you. But if you do know about why Unity handle the memory this way then please explain it to me. I want to verify if this is an intended behavior or not.

NGUI 3 Support / Dynamic font doesn't show properly on iphone
« on: June 05, 2013, 01:09:41 PM »
Hi, I used Arial font in Thai language. It works properly in Editor but it shows ? in iphone. There is no problem with English language.

Any idea what's the problem?

NGUI 3 Support / How to detect if mouse is clicking on NGUI area?
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:42:50 AM »
Hi, I have a scene that player can rotate camera by holding left click and moving the mouse. The script which is used to rotate camera has its own input detection. But I don't want camera to rotate if the mouse is on NGUI area. How can I check if the mouse is clicking on NGUI area?

Hello, I have modified the inventory system script from the example. I can modify the script to work just like I want. But the problem is that GUI layout in the inspector got messed up when there are too many line spacing. You can see it in the image below.

If all contents can be shown in the inspector, the GUI layout looks fine. But if it's not then some buttons or panels got stretched like in the right image. How can I fix this problem?

By the way, first time post here. Thank you very much for great GUI tool. 8)

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