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Topics - BusterTFuzz

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Sprite Atlas Transparency Issues
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:58:06 AM »
I am having difficulties with my sprite transparencies. In some cases, I am getting artifacts.
In other cases, the transparency is correct in the scene window before execution, but not in the game or scene window at run time

I am uploading some images. Any insight would be appreciated.

I am using what I believe is the latest version of NGUI. I am running Unity 2017.1.1f1.

I have tried re-importing my images and toggling the Alpha is transparent flag as well.

There are effectively two issues:

1. Artifacts appearing where there should be transparency.
2. Lack of transparency, and getting black.

In all cases the images as PNG files with transparency in them.

I have enclosed some screen captures.

Thank you in advance

Misc Archive / NGUI Elements Not Rendering
« on: December 26, 2017, 09:55:39 PM »
Hi everyone,

I recently went back to an older project, and opened it in Unity 2017.1.1f1. It uses NGUI components.
When I opened the project not a single NGUI component would render. I went through a whole bunch of forum posting and
many of the items suggested switching layers, or enabling layers. Unfortunately none of that worked.

I was able to use native Unity3d UI elements and those were rendering. However, I would prefer to use my NGUI scene as it would
mean preserving a ton of work.


Game view shows nothing. No objects render. In Scene view, I see outlines of the game objects but not actual renderings.
I am enclosing screen grabs of everything. Hopefully someone will have some insights. I have tried everything.

I have enclosed my main camera settings, my scene view, my ui camera settings, and my UI root game object settings.

I also updated to the latest version of NGUI. (Problem occurred before this upgrade. Was hoping upgrade would cure it.)

I have tried everything to fix this. I have toggled layers off and on. I have made sure that all layers are enabled
Perhaps a fresh set of eyes will have some insight.

Thank you in advance. All help is appreciated.

-- UPDATE -- I found that if I add a material to each sprite, suddenly the graphics start to re-appear.
This makes more more confused. Why do I need to add a material. Also, this completely tosses alpha channel.

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