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Topics - Abyss_DoD

Pages: [1]
Crashing Unity when calling a method that uses TweenAlpha

I am including my example script, I am unsure why this would cause Unity to hard crash.
If I take out the call to Fade from within TestMe() Unity is fine, if I have the call in as shown above, it hard crashes Unity.

I am hoping I am doing something wrong, but it not, I figured you may want to know about it.

  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections;
  4. public class ActivePlayerHUDController : MonoBehaviour {
  6.     public UILabel cardLabel;
  7.     public UISprite card1;
  8.     public UISprite card2;
  9.     public UISprite card3;
  10.     public UISprite card4;
  11.     public UISprite card5;
  13.     private TweenAlpha activePlayerHUDAlpha;
  14.     private bool isVisible;
  16.     void Start() {
  17.         activePlayerHUDAlpha = this.GetComponent<TweenAlpha>();
  18.         Fade(activePlayerHUDAlpha, 0.0f, 1.0f, 10.0f, "TestMe");
  19.     }
  21.     void Update() {  
  22.     }
  24.     void Fade(TweenAlpha alpha, float fromValue, float toValue, float duration, string methodAsString) {
  25.         alpha.from = fromValue;
  26. = toValue;
  27.         alpha.duration = duration;
  28.         if (methodAsString != "") {
  29.             alpha.callWhenFinished = methodAsString;
  30.         }
  31. = UITweener.Style.Once;
  32.         alpha.eventReceiver = gameObject;
  33.         alpha.animationCurve = new AnimationCurve(
  34.             new Keyframe(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
  35.             new Keyframe(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
  36.         alpha.Play(true);
  37.     }
  39.     void TestMe() {
  40.         Fade(activePlayerHUDAlpha, 1.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f, "");
  41.     }
  42. }

Dynamic Font - Font Texture unable to set Filter Mode ( Greyed Out )

I wanted to try to start using Dynamic fonts within my project, so I moved my various TTFs into my project and I created a UILabel using one of my TTF, I found that underneath my TTF I can now see a Font Material and a Font Texture. I then noticed that the resulting Dynamic TTF Font Texture has all of it's controls greyed out / locked. I sure would like to set it the Filter Mode to Point.

The TTF I am using looks tons better ( not fuzzy or blurry ) when I use it as a bitmapped font via an external program ( of course then setting the atlas that I was using to filter mode: point ). Any thoughts?

I am currently on V 3.0.5 and Unity 4.3 ( though I had tried this under Unity 4.2 as well ), thanks in advance!

TNet 3 Support / Is Tnet suitable for a client as server setup?
« on: February 13, 2013, 04:58:38 AM »
Is Tnet suitable for a client as server setup?

I am making a game where there are 4 players max, and I would like 1 of the players to act as the server for the other players while being a client himself. Is this possible using TNet, or was TNet meant for a dedicated server model?


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