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Topics - TokyoDan

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Is there a way to make a flashing UILabel?
« on: November 17, 2014, 03:03:33 AM »
I want to make a message that flashes "Connecting..." when my game is accessing the internet. I want to do this with a UILabel. Is there an easy way to do this?

NGUI 3 Support / UIToggle trouble after upgrade.
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:47:53 PM »
I just upgraded to 3.7.4 from 3.0.8 and UIToggle is broken. I have 6 UIToggles in group 1. And only one has the Starting State checked. But all the toggles are active. If I run the project it the same, all the toggles are checked. If I manually click to uncheck all of them I can end up with only one active and checked from which point the Toggles start working correctly as before.  What changed and how do I fix it.

Also what is the "State of 'None'" option for? Of course I read the documentation but I can't understand what this means. How can it be 'none'? It is either checked or not checked.

bool UIToggle.optionCanBeNone = false
Can the radio button option be 'none'?

NGUI 3 Support / How can I do a preview?
« on: May 08, 2014, 06:58:00 PM »
Hello Aren,

In my board game the boards are maps of 3D objects:

Via the six board selection buttons on this screen I can select different board shapes and sizes :

I want to be able to show a small preview (like a mini-map) of the corresponding board when I tap and hold on the board selection buttons.

What would be the best way to do this in NGUI? e.g. Should I use UITable? I don't need a detailed explanation. Just please point me in the direction of which NGUI classes/objects I should use.


NGUI 3 Support / Why did my overall UI size change?
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:24:45 AM »
I had things perfectly with my blue backgrounded UI filling the whole 480x720 window. Then something changed and made the whole UI smaller so that there is a white boundary around my blue backgrounded UI. The funny thing is it changed while I was working on another UIPanel. My hierarchy is:

NGUI Camera
UIpanel1 holds game settings1 and UIPanel2 holds game settings2. I enable/disable UIPanel1/UIPanel2 depending on which settings I want to show.

I was comparing everything to an old project in which the UI background is sized correctly, and the only difference I could find was the size of a purple box that shows when I select one of the UIPanels in the editor. In the old project the size is H=504, w=336. But in the new 'broken' project the size is H=680, w=725.

1. Why would the size of this purple box change when I didn't change it directly?
2. How can I change it back to the correct size? (I can drag the handles on the corners or sides).
3. What does the purple box represent?

Note: This kinds of weird 'automatic' changes often happen without any direct size manipulation on my part and I don't know why.

NEVERMIND. I found the solution here:

I just upgraded from 2.7 to 3.0.8 without many problems. There is one left I can't solveā€¦

I used to dynamically color my text in script like this:

aUILabel.text = "[00a2ea]I am [00a2ea]Joe";   // "I AM" is red, "Joe" is light Blue

While the color of "Joe" is light blue as expected,  "I am" is displayed as black.  I can't get it to display in red. What has changed?


I'm trying to use the list functionality of the "Example 9 - Quest Log" to display list of game rooms on a multiplayer server. I got rid of everything in the scene that wasn't necessary to handle the list and the interactivity of clicking on list items. And it still works...clicking on the title of a list item tweens the description in and out. This is fine but...

I see no colliders anywhere, how is each list item (Label) picking up the clicks that causes the tween?

NGUI 3 Support / Can't use UILabel for status messages
« on: August 05, 2013, 10:14:39 PM »
I'm trying to use a UILabel to display status messages. 

    public UILabel messageLabel;
    messageLabel.text = "This is a status message";

But the second time I try to set the .text field it just superimposes the 2nd message over the previous message without clearing out the text that was there before. Even trying to null the .text field or using an empty string before trying to change the .text field doesn't work.

    messageLabel.text = null // or "";
    messageLabel.text = "This is the 2nd status message";

How do I clear out the previous text so I can cleanly display new text?

I got NGUI setup to switch between SD,HD, & SHD atlases and fonts. Almost everything is working perfectly. Labels and buttons use the appropriate atlas and are the correct size corresponding to the device I run it on. But sliced sprites are not working. I setup one sprite in each of the SD,HD,SHD atlases as a sliced sprite. I create my UI using the SD atlas. But the sliced sprite is OK only when running on the device that pulls in the SD atlas. When a HD or SHD atlas is pulled in the sliced sprite looks like it is just a stretched, unsliced version of the sprite in the SD atlas although I can see from Debug.Log and actually stepping through the code that the proper atlas is being used.

This also happens in the editor. If I run the project with the Game Window set to NOT maximize on play the SD atlas is used and the sprite is properly sliced. But if I run the project with the Game Window set to maximize on play the HD atlas IS USED BUT the sprite is NOT properly sliced. (All the labels and buttons are properly scaled and displayed in each case.)

While labels and buttons are created via the Widget Tool, Sliced Sprites are created via the NGUI->Create a Sprite menu. So something weird is taking place. And when I create a sliced sprite I make sure that it is using my reference atlas and not the actual SD, HD, SHD atlases.

What am I doing wrong or what else needs to be done?

ResolutionSwitchController is based on one font for each SD, HD, and SHD.


I have three fonts for each. e.g.:

SD: Ventura-S, Ventura-M, Ventura-L     (sizes 12, 18, 24)
HD: Ventura-S, Ventura-M, Ventura-L    (sizes 24, 36, 48)
SHD: Ventura-S, Ventura-M, Ventura-L   (sizes 48, 72, 96)

How do I set this up? (In ResolutionSwitchController, what would I use for SDFontName,
HDFontName, SHDFontName?)

NGUI 3 Support / The Tutorial 9 (Input) does not work on iOS
« on: April 30, 2013, 03:43:47 AM »

The Tutorial 9 (Input) does not work on iOS. Although the input field looks like it will accept input tapping it does not bring up the iOS on-screen keyboard

Misc Archive / Was NGUI used to create the menu system?
« on: April 12, 2013, 08:12:41 PM »

Was NGUI used to create the menu system in this game?

Is there a dev log about Starlink. I'm interested in how the game was developed and what tech?


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