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Topics - Fbary

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Strange lines on UILabel texts
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:54:51 AM »
I'm facing a problem with the UILabels. With some sizes the text drawn have some strange lines. Changing the size of the text sometimes makes them disappear but it's random and when the text is set to resize this strange behaviour appear randomly.
Look at the image I attached: the first one have a size of 77 and there are lines around the "C", "O" and "M" letters on the second word.
If I resize up to 93 I don't have these lines anymore.

Any clues of what it can be?

Misc Archive / Made With Ngui: Porogi
« on: December 10, 2013, 06:29:47 AM »
Hi! I just want to share with you my game and thank Ngui for let me work quickly! It's a simple arcade game with 8 bit artistic style. Good for a break while on bus =)

Great Tool Ngui! Continue like this!

I'll drop the links to AppStore & Google Play (for Android there's a free version too)



NGUI 3 Support / [Solved] Multi atlases on Mobile app
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:14:34 AM »
I tried to use the Search tool but I dind't find anything that could help me, so I'm asking it with a new topic..

I'm working on a mobile project on wich I've to use more than one atlas. I've divided the main atlas (with gui and fonts) and the other ones (mainly with character sprites and effects). I know i can't use the "Depth" tool on sliced sprites if I use more atlases togheter, so I decided to simply use world coord as depth (Z). I tought that the z-axis depth would "overwrite" the Ngui Depth, and working with it I could have more "layers" just putting something back or in front of something else. So I worked like this, and everything was going great unitl...I exported for Android. In the mobile version seems that it doesn't see the layers and the z-depth, confusing all the orders...

Why on Editor everything works fine but in mobile version everything got wrong? :/

Sorry for my english, and thank you in advice for your help! =)

NGUI 3 Support / UIInput Keyboard Android
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:19:12 AM »
I tried to use the search tool, but i dind't find what I needed, so I opened this thread.

I use an UIInput on my mobile device, and it works perfectly, I just want to know where exactly ngui script tells to the Adnroid keyboard what to do when showed. In my case when I touch the input label the keyboard popup and "scale" all the scene and the panel. When the keyboard is showed it uses about half screen, so the application want to show me all the scene in the other half screen, scaling it. I'd Just want to show the keyboard over my panel, covering it, i don't care. I created a background wich fits exactly with the screen proportions and when it shows the keyboard, all the background is scaled, so i can see the "scene background", and i don't want it :/

Thank you in advance for your answers =)

NGUI 3 Support / change Sprite in UISlicedSprite
« on: July 05, 2012, 04:43:11 AM »
Before posting I searched in the forum, but I dind't find an answer to my question, so I'm asking it here =P

A have a button prefab. I instantiate that prefab, and its background has a UISLicedSprite script on it. I use a manager to instantiate that, and to assign the right atlas to use.
So I reach the gameobject ->
  1. Button.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<UISlicedSprite>().atlas
Now, after that, I've to assign the right current sprite wich is in the atlas.spritelist. I tried like this:

  1. Button.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<UISlicedSprite>().sprite = myaltas.spritelist[i]  //(this is in a for loop)

But all the button instantiated have all the same sprite (spritelist[0] i think). How can i change that sprite after instantiation?
UISlicedsprite.sprite can change the sprite, or can only be read?

NGUI 3 Support / [info] chat text
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:35:08 AM »
hi Aren!

I've a little question about text for a chat window. I've tried to build a window using UIText List, UIChat Input and UIInput, like the example 12. Everything is working fine, but i've a question about it. Is it possible to interact with the text, like selecting it, or use an external scrollbar to slide the text inside the area?

I just want to know if i can build a full chat system.

Waiting forward to answers =P

NGUI 3 Support / [info] Tween
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:01:21 AM »
Hi, i've a little problem with a tween position. I'd like to know if it's possible to activate a tween when the gameobject is activated. If I use a OnEnable function can i reach a "reset tween" or "start tween" or something else?

If the tween position script is checked, the animation starts when the scene start. I just want to activate the animation everytime the object is activated.

I tried to use UIbuttonTween to activate that tween, but i've some problem with the transform.. So, before working on that problem, i'd like to know if it's possible to do what i've asked =P

Thank you for patience =P

NGUI 3 Support / [info] Exporting Prefab
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:57:10 AM »
I need to know something about exporting UI package. I'm creating a UI for a project, but i started working on it in another external project. I wanted to develop al the UI structure and then exporting it as a prefab and importing it in my main project. Is it possible without any problems? (like missing scripts, altas etc..)

Waiting forward to answers =)

NGUI 3 Support / Popup menu Question
« on: April 12, 2012, 11:07:49 AM »
Hi, i'm new to this forum and, first of all, i want to thank the staff =)
Sorry for my English, tell me if you don't understand what i mean xD

I've purchased NGUI pack from the asset store, i'm working with it and i find it perfect for all my actual and future projects =)

Actually i'm working/studyng with popup menus. The structure is great, and i've build immediately a good starting UI. I'm using a list of popup menus (one under each other), and i found just a little problem. When my menu opens, it opens over the other menus (closed), when it happen i can still see the label behind. I tought that putting all the menus on the same Zdepth, when they was open the background of the list would have been over them, covering them. Where do i go wrong? A popup menu list in the same column can't be in the same Z?

Looking forward to answers, I'll thank you for reading. =)

ps: tell me if need some screenshots, maybe it's not totally clear @.@

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