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Topics - CastorHolyday

Pages: [1]
Other Packages / HUD Values Stacking
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:06:05 PM »

I was wondering is it possible to disable that feature of letting the HUD system, calculating added values, and add them in one value, for example I want my script to be able to call the HUDText.Add(....); quickly adding 16 Damage for example, and still not to display 16 ... 32 ... 48....64...
instead I want to see : 16 16 16 16 16 16 16....

Guide me please.

TNet 3 Support / [SOLVED] Tnet + HUDText
« on: January 12, 2014, 01:04:46 PM »
Hello, one simple question, pretty much deep though :

Suppose I have a server 3 players are connected A, B, C.

A hits B : B sees the damages because A called a function inside B to reduce his health.

What if I want that player A (the attacker) to see the damages he did to B using HUDText over B's player head.

What if I want the player C (the Spectator) to also see the damages generated by A attacking B.

Where & When should I call the tno.Send, and what arguments should be passed.

Thank you all for your responses.


Other Packages / [SOLVED] China sellers
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:04:33 AM »
Are you allowing those people to sell your goodies ? if it doesn't disturb you feel free to delete this topic

[links removed]

Other Packages / [SOLVED] TNet & GameDesign
« on: January 05, 2014, 12:06:09 PM »
Hello everyone, I have a simple but deep question, I'm developping a MOBA game, the way i'm doing it right now is from a perspective of a solo vs CO-AI genre, should I think of it as a multiplayer since the start of the developping process or I should keep going with my primary logic and try to turn it into a Multiplayer one later when I'm done.

In other words, should I learn how to use TNet first so I design my game in a way that prepares the up coming of TNet package when I implement it in my game later, or I can ignore it and keep building the main engine until I'm done then head back to TNet, master it and try to implement it into the game ?

SOLO then Multiplayer TNet ?
or Multiplayer then Multiplayer TNet ?

What do you advice me ?
What's the best & easiest way to do it ?

EDIT : Question 2 :

does TNet warrant that cheaters & hackers can't exploit the game ressources, is it easy to manipulate informations with it to make "stuff" server side ? it's an important point that I need to know.

Thanks folks. Have a nice day.

NGUI 3 Support / [SOLVED] Arrow to aim
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:43:04 PM »
Hi, I'm willing to make something similar to the image above, focus on the arrow is that something that should be done using the GUI (NGUI), if so what do you advice me to do or start with, I'm new to NGUI, so I was wondering if it has something to do with 3D-NGUI, or ? because I want the arrow to be like if it was under the character, so if it's pointing to the top it should be "under" the legs of the character not over him.

Any suggestiong ? or pseudo logic ?

Other Packages / [SOLVED] Fog of war version 1.0 black screen issue
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:29:27 AM »
Hello Folks hope everyone is fine, I have some troubles with the fog of war asset, indeed, it has some strange behaviours when I move the camera, I didn't modified anything from the example scene so here is a video that displays the problem it's really short (30secondes);

The problem is that I see black screen that shouldn't be black..not in regular RTS games anyways, I'm looking for a LoL or Dota fog of war effect so try to compare in your mind this kind of FoW and the one in the video above.

=> Video link :

=> Looking for such result :
unfortunately : this one lags so bad only with the FoW system it drops fps to 15-24, is it possible with the Tasharen asset ? (original post)

Any response would be welcome.

Happy new year.

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