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Topics - kodagames

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Custom Health Bars
« on: July 20, 2014, 11:03:09 PM »

Is it possible to create a custom health bar like in this video (frame 15:02 on the timeline)
you'll see the Red icon on the left hand side what Id like to do is create a hud that fades down like in the video using Ngui.

As you can see I can easily do it with Unity by messing with a materials _CutOff (like in the video above) but then I lose out on saving on draw calls etc..

ArenMook, Tasharen, NGUI.. Absolutely Amazing!

NGUI 3 Support / Depth (Back, Forward) is not working
« on: April 19, 2012, 08:00:39 PM »

Im noticing that when I create sliced sprites, buttons etc.. When I use the Depth buttons (Back, Forward) the objects don't move forward or backward?

For example:
f I create a UIImageButton with a graphic then create a sliced Sprite the sliced sprite will be drawn on top of the button (can no longer see the button image).

If I then change the Depth(Back, Forward) on the background of the image (where the buttons image is) there is no change it just wont bring the image of the button forward on top of the sliced sprite?

I was under the impression this is how it should work but it's not and just want to make sure this is how its supposed to work and ask why its not working?

It seems pretty straight forward but Im missing something...

NGUI 3 Support / Dragging
« on: April 17, 2012, 10:32:49 PM »
Hello All,

I've just purchased NGui after playing with the demo and its quite nice.

Does anyone know how I would go about dragging a button from one box and have it snap to the center of another box? When I mention box it could be a sliced sprite, image background etc...

I can get a simple button to drag with UIDragObject and I've tried messing around with UIDragPanelContents, UIGrid, UITable, DragDropItem etc.. but just can't seem to get anything to do what I want.

Can someone try and help me figure this out? From the image Im trying to drag a button from the box and have it snap to one of the other boxes and be centered. Right now when I drag the button it just lands anywhere I let go of the mouse instead of on one of the boxes and I haven't a clue as to how to do this.



NGUI 3 Support / Draggable Button
« on: April 15, 2012, 11:41:58 AM »

I created a Button then attached the Script "UIDragObject" inside of the inspector I set the Target to this Button to be able to drag it which it does drag when I have it clicked and held down but when I release it the button goes back to its original position.

How would I drag the button so that when I release the mouse button it will stay where I released it?

I also tried the same thing but attached a Sphere to the Target which works fine because Im assuming its a 3d object and has 3d coordinates (unlike a button?) and when released it stays where it was left.

So how would I do the same thing with a button?


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