I have dynamicaly created content inside UITable organized in direction=Down and sort is OFF.
This works well on Desktop, but on Android are columns organized from UP, instead DOWN (ignored setup from inspector?).
Attached Images show result. FromPC + UnityEditor result is same and correct, but from android device looks wrong.
void Start ()
.cells = new TSourceCell
this.table = NGUITools.FindInParents<UITable>(this.gameObject);
this.panel = NGUITools.FindInParents<UIDraggablePanel>(table.gameObject);
table.sorted = false;
this.table.columns = this.cellWidth;
// create and rename objects to standard matrix direction from left -> right and from top -> down
for (int y=this.cellHeight;y>0;y--)
for (int x=this.cellWidth;x>0;x--)
int cx = x-1;
int cy = y-1;
] = new TSourceCell
GameObject cell = NGUITools.AddChild(this.gameObject,this.itemPrefab);
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].name = "Cell_"+cx.ToString()+"x"+cy.ToString();
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].item = cell;
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].item.name = "Cell_"+cx.ToString()+"x"+cy.ToString();
string path = "/UI Root (2D)/Camera/Anchor/Source_Window/SourcePanelEmpty/SourceTable/"+GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].item.name+"/ButtonEmpty_CMD";
GameObject o = GameObject.Find(path);
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy]._cmd = (OnClick_SourceCell)o.GetComponent<OnClick_SourceCell>();
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy]._cmd.parentName = GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].item.name;
GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy].icon = (UISlicedSprite)GlobalEditorData.cells[cx,cy]._cmd.GetComponentInChildren<UISlicedSprite>();
EDIT: Added 2 new screenshots (DesktopRelease and AndroidRelease). Same code, same method and different rersult. Now all cells are with desc. Column x Row.
Android rel. has table aligned = columns: from right -> left / rows: from botom -> up
PC rel. has table aligned = columns: from left -> right / rows: from top -> down