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Topics - psion

Pages: [1]
Other Packages / Ngui/TNet/StarlinkUI confustication
« on: February 04, 2015, 11:12:42 AM »
My project contains TNet, NGUI, and Starlink UI. Last build worked perfectly, then I updated TNet and Ngui and now I am getting

Assets/NGUI/Examples/Scripts/Other/LoadLevelOnClick.cs(12,37): error CS0117: `Application' does not contain a definition for `LoadLevel'
is this a namespace issue between assets?

Also, my main Game server is not showing up in clients anymore.

TNServer.exe is being run on a linux shell, all i did was upload the new zip, extract, and run the program exactly as I had with the previous TNet build, and now in my game client  I get "No Servers" instantly, as if it is being rejected. The server console shows "Guest" connected - which (I think) shows it isn't getting the player name from the Starlink UI. I am starting the server with TNServer.exe -tcp 5127 -tcpLobby 5128 -name "Geocore".


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