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Messages - aceteams

Pages: [1]
There's something we're trying to accomplish and we think it might be time to implement some kind of special sliced sprite.

What we want is basically a sliced sprite that is "protected" from non-uniform scaling, but not uniform scaling.

This would be ideal for our art assets - they are designed to look good when uniformly scaled, but not when non-uniformly scaled. The result is that the current sliced sprite implementation makes them look strange/ugly when uniformly scaling them.

basically we want is something very similar to a sliced sprite, except that we want to define the borders of the sprite in terms of percentages rather than in terms of pixels.

What's the best way to do this? Is there something already in NGUI that we aren't finding? Or should we try to write it ourselves? If the latter, where's a good place to start?

TNet 3 Support / Re: What's the best way to do matchmaking?
« on: December 29, 2013, 02:03:30 AM »

1. Hmm, there are many possibilities for this. An idea I just came up with: have an "LFG" channel, where the host is responsible for assignments - that way there are no awkward collisions, and also no need for a separate program.

2. Ah! Now I feel a bit dumb. For some reason I had the impression that there was a 1-to-1 correspondence between channels and scenes, and that if you had multiple channels they had to be in different scenes. Thanks!

TNet 3 Support / What's the best way to do matchmaking?
« on: December 28, 2013, 10:55:48 PM »
We're making a competitive 1v1 game and we want to implement a match-making lobby. We have a few problems and a few ideas. We figured we would ask first to save time.  ;D

1) How should the matchmaking algorithm work with tnet? Should we write our own LobbyServer? Or is there a way to distribute these calculations among the users? Or should we write a "special" client who manages all of this, while using the built-in TN servers? Or something else we haven't thought of?

2) Should GameServers be on the client devices or on our server? We're having trouble with this at the moment. If we run a GameServer on our EC2 instance, we can fiddle with permissions and port forwarding until it works. However, we can only have one game going at a time. But if we just use the EC2 instance as a lobby and try to run the GameServers on our own computers, we aren't able to get a connection going ("unable to connect" messages.) It seems like if we want it to work for users, we shouldn't need to fiddle with it - it should just work. Does this sound like we're doing something wrong?

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