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Messages - sonicviz

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
I'm surprised that worked at all, to be honest. I have never seen the vertex output declared outside the function. Where did you see this used like that?

Nowhere, I just tried it to see if it worked and it did.

Reading the logcat gave me the sense that the error was declaration related and was similar to the AOT declaration issue that pops up on iOS (rightly or wrongly) so I just gave it a try and it worked.
Solved the issue on the device and works fine in the Editor and on ARM as well.
Isn't it just a global vs local declaration thing? Who said you can't do it?

I didn't see any errors or warnings in the console either so maybe Unity shader compile handles it just fine?
If so you may want to update the base NGUI shader (after confirm testing yourself;-)

Especially as DH confirmed official Intel Android chip support in the #Unite14 Keynote

Intel PR here
Intel and Unity Collaborate to Extend Android Support across Intel-based Devices

Unity* Resource Center for x86 Support

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI/NDATA data binding features.
« on: August 20, 2014, 08:20:30 PM »
I've been using NDATA successfully for a long time but unfortunately I would now recommend you do not buy it.
[can't comment on NGUI 3.x data binding features at this stage]

I'm trying to convert an old product using NGUI 2.7 and NDATA to latest NGUI but the NDATA developers have now stopped updating it.
I got some errors trying it with NGUI 3.6.8 and so far have not received a response to my query re: fixing it over a week later.

Last time I asked a few months back it also took ages and they finally just said their developers in Ukraine were having problems.
Find another developer then? [commiserations for the civil war, but it seems it's based in Germany and outsourced so entirely possible]

This time...silence.

I updated my NDATA Asset Store review yesterday with a DO NOT BUY review.

I'm actually really sick of these products on the Asset Store that are no longer maintained yet still up for sale.
They should be removed.

[and yes, I do have the source code but that's not the point - especially for a product which purports to do the heavy lifting for you]

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Unlit/Transparent Colored (SoftClip) Error
« on: August 19, 2014, 11:44:00 PM »
Solved it:
Problem was the v2f o declaration within v2f vert (appdata_t v)
By moving that to before v2f vert (appdata_t v) ir now works on ATOM aok.

Seems to be similar to iOS AOT issues with things needing to be declared explicitly.

Here's the modified shader in case anyone else comes across this issue.
Although Unity does not officially support ATOM they are growing market share quite rapidly.

Shader "Unlit/Transparent Colored (SoftClip)"
      _MainTex ("Base (RGB), Alpha (A)", 2D) = "white" {}

      LOD 200

         "Queue" = "Transparent"
         "IgnoreProjector" = "True"
         "RenderType" = "Transparent"
         Cull Off
         Lighting Off
         ZWrite Off
         Offset -1, -1
         Fog { Mode Off }
         ColorMask RGB
         AlphaTest Greater .01
         Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

         #pragma vertex vert
         #pragma fragment frag

         #include "UnityCG.cginc"

         sampler2D _MainTex;
         float4 _MainTex_ST;
         float2 _ClipSharpness = float2(20.0, 20.0);

         struct appdata_t
            float4 vertex : POSITION;
            half4 color : COLOR;
            float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;

         struct v2f
            float4 vertex : POSITION;
            half4 color : COLOR;
            float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
            float2 worldPos : TEXCOORD1;

         v2f o;
         v2f vert (appdata_t v)
            //v2f o;
            o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
            o.color = v.color;
            o.texcoord = v.texcoord;
            o.worldPos = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.vertex.xy, _MainTex);
            return o;

         half4 frag (v2f IN) : COLOR
            // Softness factor
            float2 factor = (float2(1.0, 1.0) - abs(IN.worldPos)) * _ClipSharpness;
            // Sample the texture
            half4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, IN.texcoord) * IN.color;
            col.a *= clamp( min(factor.x, factor.y), 0.0, 1.0);
            return col;
      LOD 100

         "Queue" = "Transparent"
         "IgnoreProjector" = "True"
         "RenderType" = "Transparent"
         Cull Off
         Lighting Off
         ZWrite Off
         Fog { Mode Off }
         ColorMask RGB
         AlphaTest Greater .01
         Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
         ColorMaterial AmbientAndDiffuse
         SetTexture [_MainTex]
            Combine Texture * Primary

Got a problem hope someone can solve.
I have an app on Android that works fine on ARM devices.

I can get it to run on an ATOM device - a new ASUS Memo Pad ME176 (ATOM are not officially supported by Unity) by copying the apk but it doesn't run 100%, has some UI issues.
I'm getting some UI bits not showing, and from the logcat (see below) it looks like the problem is the NGUI unlit Transparent Colored shader.
ATOM does some emulation apparently that does not happen under ARM.

According to Unity docs on Player Settings/Android:
Graphics Level    Select either ES 1.1 (‘fixed function’) or ES 2.0 (‘shader based’) Open GL level. When using the AVD (emulator) only ES 1.x is supported.

The app is still using NGUI 2.7 (because it also uses NDATA and they have stopped updating *grrrr angry*) but I've checked the shaders in NGUI 3.6.* and they look the same so I'd probably be getting the same error on latest NGUI anyway.

Any clues / suggestions as to fixing this?


Crash 1
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): -------- Unlit/Transparent Colored (SoftClip)
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): 
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): (Filename:  Line: 141)
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): -------- failed compiling vertex program:
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): 
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): (Filename:  Line: 142)
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #version 300 es
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #define gl_Vertex _glesVertex
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): in vec4 _glesVertex;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #define gl_Color _glesColor
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): in vec4 _glesColor;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #define gl_MultiTexCoord0 _glesMultiTexCoord0
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): in vec4 _glesMultiTexCoord0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 151
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): struct v2f_vertex_lit {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec2 uv;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     lowp vec4 diff;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     lowp vec4 spec;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): };
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 187
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): struct v2f_img {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec4 pos;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     mediump vec2 uv;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): };
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 181
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): struct appdata_img {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec4 vertex;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     mediump vec2 texcoord;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): };
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 325
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): struct v2f {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec4 vertex;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     mediump vec4 color;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec2 texcoord;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec2 worldPos;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): };
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 318
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): struct appdata_t {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec4 vertex;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     mediump vec4 color;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     highp vec2 texcoord;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): };
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _Time;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _SinTime;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 3
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _CosTime;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_DeltaTime;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec3 _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _ProjectionParams;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 7
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _ScreenParams;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _ZBufferParams;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes[6];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _WorldSpaceLightPos0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 11
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _LightPositionRange;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_4LightPosX0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_4LightPosY0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_4LightPosZ0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 15
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_4LightAtten0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_LightColor[8];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_LightPosition[8];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_LightAtten[8];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 19
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SpotDirection[8];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHAr;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHAg;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHAb;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 23
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHBr;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHBg;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHBb;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_SHC;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 27
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec3 unity_LightColor0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec3 unity_LightColor1;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec3 unity_LightColor2;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec3 unity_LightColor3;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_ShadowSplitSpheres[4];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_ShadowSplitSqRadii;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_LightShadowBias;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 31
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _LightSplitsNear;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _LightSplitsFar;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 unity_World2Shadow[4];
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _LightShadowData;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 35
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_ShadowFadeCenterAndType;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_mvp;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_modelview0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_invtrans_modelview0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 39
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 _Object2World;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 _World2Object;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 unity_Scale;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_transpose_modelview0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 43
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_texture0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_texture1;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_texture2;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_texture3;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 47
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 glstate_matrix_projection;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 glstate_lightmodel_ambient;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 unity_MatrixV;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp mat4 unity_MatrixVP;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 51
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform lowp vec4 unity_ColorSpaceGrey;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 77
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 82
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 87
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 91
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 96
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 120
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 137
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 158
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 166
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 193
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 206
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 215
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 220
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 229
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 234
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 243
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 260
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 265
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 291
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 299
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 307
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 311
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 315
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec4 _MainTex_ST;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): uniform highp vec2 _ClipSharpness = vec2( 20.0, 20.0);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 333
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 342
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): #line 333
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): v2f vert( in appdata_t v ) {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     v2f o;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     o.vertex = (glstate_matrix_mvp * v.vertex);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     #line 337
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     o.color = v.color;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     o.texcoord = v.texcoord;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     o.worldPos = ((v.vertex.xy.xy * _MainTex_ST.xy) +;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     return o;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): }
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): out mediump vec4 xlv_COLOR;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): out highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): out highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD1;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): void main() {
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     v2f xl_retval;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     appdata_t xlt_v;
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlt_v.vertex = vec4(gl_Vertex);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlt_v.color = vec4(gl_Color);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlt_v.texcoord = vec2(gl_MultiTexCoord0);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xl_retval = vert( xlt_v);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     gl_Position = vec4(xl_retval.vertex);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlv_COLOR = vec4(xl_retval.color);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlv_TEXCOORD0 = vec2(xl_retval.texcoord);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066):     xlv_TEXCOORD1 = vec2(xl_retval.worldPos);
08-20 12:37:03.998: D/Unity(12066): }
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): -------- GLSL error: WARNING: 0:7: 'float' : The type is missing precision qualifier
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): WARNING: 0:9: 'float' : The type is missing precision qualifier
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): WARNING: 0:11: 'float' : The type is missing precision qualifier
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): WARNING: 0:315: 'sampler2D' : The type is missing precision qualifier
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:317: 'uniform' :  cannot initialize this type of qualifier 
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:335: 'o' : undeclared identifier
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:335: 'vertex' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:335: 'assign' :  cannot convert from '4-component vector of float' to 'float'
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:337: 'color' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:337: 'assign' :  cannot convert from '4-component vector of float' to 'float'
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:338: 'texcoord' :  field selection requires structure, vector, or matrix on left hand side
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:338: 'assign' :  cannot convert from '2-component vector of float' to 'float'
08-20 12:37:03.998: E/Unity(12066): ERROR: 0:339: 'worldPos' :  field selection requires structure,

Other Packages / Re: UI Starter Kit: Starlink (NGUI + TNet)
« on: July 04, 2014, 10:11:55 PM »
I think last time I looked it was using the old deprecated anchor system and I think I noticed something else like that but can't recall off the top off my head.

Other Packages / Re: UI Starter Kit: Starlink (NGUI + TNet)
« on: July 03, 2014, 12:06:21 PM »
I've got a very weird problem using the UIWindowButton from Starlink.

I have my UI axis aligned on x,y,z = 0, and the main panel shows correctly on scene start.
But when I hit a UIWindowButton to go to another panel the panels are getting offset on y axis by 6, causing stretched backgrounds to show gaps on each side.

Is there some hard coding or a setting somewhere that's doing this, because I can't figure out what is causing it.


EDIT: I think I found it. In UIWindow update is a check against layer == 10 that does a rotation around the y-axis.
Layer 10 is hardcoded as the 3D UI layer , which I'm not sure is a good idea, or the fact that the y-axis rotates but does not get set back to 0 and so is not axis aligned.

Also, will the starlink kit be updated to latest NGUI techniques soon?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIToggle Starting State (is driving me nuts)
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:58:19 AM »
The toggle's state before its Start() function actually runs is in "startsActive" rather than 'value'. I'm guessing this is what you're running into? Try changing the UIToggle's value property to this:
  1.         public bool value
  2.         {
  3.                 get
  4.                 {
  5.                         return mStarted ? mIsActive : startsActive;
  6.                 }
  7.                 set
  8.                 {
  9.                         if (!mStarted) startsActive = value;
  10.                         else if (group == 0 || value || optionCanBeNone || !mStarted) Set(value);
  11.                 }
  12.         }

Yes, that fixes it thank you!

Will this become part of next release? I'd hate to have to re-add every time I update.

I came across this issue recently as well and can't understand the logic as to why they are disabled.

NGUI in theory can can contain multiple UI setups which may be split due to logical considerations.
A use case where everything is under one root is not the only one.

Why block the user from generating something automatically that just makes it faster to work?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIToggle Starting State (is driving me nuts)
« on: June 15, 2014, 06:21:16 AM »
Your description is not quite clear... first you say "when I go to the settings panel it gets flipped to false (reflecting the correct starting state)" then "why isn't it getting set to false"?

If the starting state is false, it will always start as false. There is nothing to "flip" it. It's just how it starts. Note that if you use groups (non-zero group ID) then your checkboxes become radio buttons instead.

That's funny, I thought it was pretty clear.

I have a Debug.log message in a start method that shows the UIToggle is false, when it should be true.
I even put the UIToggle up the top of the script execution order list and it still shows true.
It's only when I accessed a panel that actually has the widget with said UIToggles on it does it get set to false - without me actually touching it.

NGUI 3 Support / UIToggle Starting State (is driving me nuts)
« on: June 14, 2014, 08:11:18 AM »
I have a settings panel with a number of checkboxes using UIToggle (NGUI 3.6.2) to control showing/hiding some gui elements

for example: UIToggle keyboardToggle

I have set up delegates to accept value changes but not really using it as they are set on a settings panel that is accessed via a screen button.
User then hits a back button to go back to the main play scene with the new settings controlling what is shown.

I am checking keyboardToggle.value when the apps main view is shown when going back to the scene from the settings panel.
It is also checked the very first time when going from a loading info screen with a big play button.

If I set the starting transition to unchecked the keyboardToggle.value = true when I go the main scene the very first time.
I checked this via a Debug in a start method.
But...when I go to the settings panel it gets flipped to false (reflecting the correct starting state) and also correctly shows unchecked without me doing anything.

It's driving me nuts. Why isn't it getting set to false initially when it should be?

NGUI 3 Support / iOS Build Error 3.6.3 UnityEditor
« on: June 11, 2014, 08:40:56 AM »
Getting a UnityEditor does not exist in current context trying to build to iOS


NGUI 3 Support / Re: Inspector Look "Unified" bugs Anchors
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:01:34 PM »
I'm confused by this thread. OP said that the inspector is stuck in Unified mode. First reply is regarding the aspect ratio (which is invalid -- you can't set the aspect ratio when the widget is unified-anchored). Last reply seems to be about some visual indicators? Which visual indicators? There is no consistency here. Q = move the camera around and has nothing to do with widgets. NGUI's functionality only kicks in if you have it set to W = move tool, and only if NGUI -> Options -> Handles is turned on.

My apologies, but I thought the OP was similar to my issue where the Button (for example) was locked in position when I had Anchor unified mode set.

By visual indicators I mean the NGUI gizmo's which show up that allow you to scale, move etc the selected component.

"Q = move the camera around and has nothing to do with widgets. NGUI's functionality only kicks in if you have it set to W = move tool, and only if NGUI -> Options -> Handles is turned on"

This is the issue, now resolved. I had Handles turned off, but the handles show when Q is selected. When I turn handles on the behavior is as expected.
Please see the attached shots which illustrate what I mean with handles = off.

I'm still in the NGUI3 learning curve and didn't have the handles turned on, but the unexpected editor behavior with Q button and handles is what threw me.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Inspector Look "Unified" bugs Anchors
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:15:37 AM »
I'm seeing this on Unity4.5, NGUI 3.6.3 and Win 8.1

When I change the anchor to unified I can longer move the component.
Additionally none of the visual indicators that were there before show up.

The component is locked in place, which makes it impossible to tweak.

I'm sure this was working before with 3.6.2. In fact I just tested it with my OSX version which is still 3.6.2 and it works fine.

Edit: Doesn't matter if the test button is under the UI Root or another panel, it's locked with no visual indicators

I got it working but now this is very weird. There is a difference between win and mac Unity versions and NGUI editor behavior with relation to the Key Q/View and Key W/Move
Windows: NGUI component shows gizmos etc and I can move only when Q/View (little hand icon) is selected. Select W/Move (little transform icon) and it all disappears
Mac: NGUI component shows gizmos etc and I can move only when W/Move is selected. Select Q/View and it all disappears

They appear to be reversed but god knows how.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NGUI 3.6.2 Stretch a sprite full screen
« on: June 06, 2014, 10:11:44 PM »

NGUI 3 Support / NGUI 3.6.2 Stretch a sprite full screen
« on: June 06, 2014, 10:26:51 AM »
I've watch the tutorials but still can't figure out how to replicate the simple case of stretching a sprite horizontally and vertically so it will be locked as a panel background no matter what screen size.

I understand how the new anchoring works but the new stretch is head scratching.


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