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Messages - faceOFF

Pages: [1] 2
NGUI 3 Support / Re: Handling Touch events with NGUIButtons
« on: August 30, 2013, 03:53:26 AM »
It's really necessary functions! Developers, when are you going to implement it?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIInput Validator
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:18:35 AM »
Very useful script!
Month I could not solve the problem of charset utf8 (MySQL database) for the leaderboards in my three games, with the help UIInput Validator I solved all issues in half an hour!
Thanks a lot!

Well, NGUI doesn't come with a class in c#.

If your programmers can't solve a simple problem of setting up multiple lines in a label or using multiple labels, then it's a programmer problem, not a tool problem.

string.split in c#

Thanks, it works! pity that I have not seen these examples before.. :-\

Very bad .. With with Standard OnGUI no such problems!

People buy NGUI that would work easier, but in practice, the opposite is true! I regret buying a NGUI! ((

Rus: Пришлось вновь вернуться к этому вопросу:
En: Returned to this issue:
  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;
  3. using System;
  6. public class ArrayListSort : MonoBehaviour
  7. {
  8.         public string textUnsort;
  9.         public string [] SortText;
  10.         public int i = 0;
  11.         private int numberString = 0;
  13.         void Update ()
  14.         {
  15.                 SortText = textUnsort.Split(new Char [] {','});
  16.                 if (i >= 0)
  17.                 {
  18.                         numberString = i+1;
  19.                         GetComponent<UILabel>().text = numberString.ToString() + ".   "+ SortText[i].ToString();
  20.                         i = i -1;
  21.                 }
  23.         }
  24. }

Получаем (we get):

1. Нужна вся таблица а не только 1ая строка
2. Вместо ";" нужны пробелы
Может мне кто нибудь помочь?
1. Need the entire table, not just the first line
2. Instead, "" need spaces
Can somebody help me?

Ахренеть! Прости за эмоции!
Всё работает прекрасно!
Просто огромное человеческое спасибо!

И для народа по енг как умею)):

Real! It's work fine!!!
Thanks a lot!
God bless you!

Тоже самое, на нашем ))

Нужно сохранить и считать (после выхода из меню или игры) Из UIPopupList строку Items (как я понял),
те я например выбрал скорость игры Fast, и она так и остаётся, пока я не выберу другую..
Надеюсь понятно объяснил? Да, если что, скорость переключается по типу (UJS):
  1.         if (selectedItem == "Fast")            
  2.          {
  3.                 Time.timeScale = 1.5;
  4.          }

Но как я понимаю мне не нужно запоминать Time.timeScale, тк Popup-ы всё равно всё скинут на то что в Selection...
Я тут начал карякать:
  1. using UnityEngine;
  3. [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Interaction/Saved Popup")]
  4. public class UISavedPopup : MonoBehaviour
  5. {
  6.         public string keyName;
  8.         string key { get { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyName)) ? "NGUI State: " + name : keyName; } }
  10.         void Start ()
  12.         {
  13.                 UIPopupList mSelectedItem = GetComponent<UIPopupList>();
  14.                 PlayerPrefs.GetString(keyName, mSelectedItem.ToString());
  15.         }
  17.         void Save (GameObject go)
  18.         {
  19.                 UIPopupList mSelectedItem = GetComponent<UIPopupList>();
  20.                 PlayerPrefs.SetString(keyName, mSelectedItem.ToString());
  21.         }
  22. }

Только не надо разбирать что у меня не правильно))
Просто скажите что сделать, или переделать... тк я не синтаксис учу в данном случае, да и PlayerPrefs прекрасно работает со штатным GUI Юьки и моими скриптами, но вот обратиться к вашим скриптам частенько проблема!
И потом простой и полноценный ответ избавит от множества подобных вопросов не только меня!
В идеале скриптик похожий на UISavedOption.cs, только для UIPopupList..
У меня пока всё))

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 23, 2012, 02:10:19 AM »
О, наши "в городе")) Я не знал что продукт русский))Некогда было разбираться кто есть кто... Хорошо что просветил!
Лады, тогда ответь, в ветке про Need UISavedPopup.cs something as for UISavedOption.cs! Пожалуйста ;)

NGUI 3 Support / Need UISavedPopup.cs something as for UISavedOption.cs
« on: August 23, 2012, 12:00:48 AM »
It seems like "UISavedOption.cs" only can be read and save string from Options (in the inspector "UIPopupList")
For example I have three modes of game speed,  when I need to change speed value It's stored and then read.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:37:01 PM »
Judging from your answers, you again are trying on simple questions give to complex and confusing answers! I gave the my code (my experiments) not for the critics and the teachings, but make it clearer what I want! You have not understood what I wanted!? I'm upset only quality support, and the fact that I bought NGUI, no more ..
I showed you above how need to answer the questions!
Clear and understandable answer for everyone! I paid the money and want the plugins to work!
If I knew perfectly programming, I would don't ask questions and don't buy NGUI! I would write own GUI!
Think about it before you "try to help" better to just help;)

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 22, 2012, 09:53:09 PM »
Instead of what would normally be explained, you got me confused!
Understood ... took the script and added string in UISoundVolume.cs!
Now it works! I will write here that would not mislead people,
as you do! Rather than do their job support!

Here is the working code that changes sound volume in the game and remembers the value after quit!

Support - learn! That's how you should do your job!
Now I do it instead of you!
  1. using UnityEngine;
  3. [RequireComponent(typeof(UISlider))]
  4. [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Interaction/Sound Volume")]
  5. public class UISoundVolumeEd : MonoBehaviour
  6. {
  7.         UISlider mSlider;
  9.         void Awake ()
  10.         {
  11.                 mSlider = GetComponent<UISlider>();
  12.                 mSlider.sliderValue = NGUITools.soundVolume;
  13.                 mSlider.eventReceiver = gameObject;
  14.         }
  16.         void OnSliderChange (float val)
  17.         {
  18.                 NGUITools.soundVolume = val;
  19.                 AudioListener.volume = val;
  20.         }
  21. }

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 22, 2012, 08:06:29 PM »
What nonsense!? This code works fine!
Check! No errors!

  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections;
  3. using System.IO;
  6. public class onSliderChange : MonoBehaviour
  7. {
  8.     void OnSliderChange (float volume)
  9.     {
  10.                 AudioListener.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Sound");
  11.                 PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Sound", volume);
  12.                 PlayerPrefs.Save();
  13.     }
  14. }

And me don't need to tell what is right and what not!
The code does what it should do!
Those controls the volume and stores it in PlayerPrefs!

I repeat the question:
HOW TO KEEP YOURS! IMPORTANCE "VALUE" (slider in the Inspector) in PlayerPrefs?!

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 22, 2012, 07:50:06 AM »
ArenMook, can you tell how to consider the Slider Value of PlayerPrefs?
This is not the case when the "... need to know the basic Unity 3d and basic C #",
it's yours UISlider.cs?

NGUI 3 Support / Slider Value not change from PlayerPrefs...
« on: August 22, 2012, 06:32:53 AM »
Why AudioListener.volume - it remember fine, but Slider Value not  ???  ?

  1. using UnityEngine;
  2. using System.Collections;
  3. using System.IO;
  6. public class onSliderChange : MonoBehaviour
  7. {
  8.         public GameObject slider;
  10.         void Start (float volume)
  11.         {
  12.                 AudioListener.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Sound");
  13.                 volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Sound");
  14.         }
  17.     void OnSliderChange (float volume)
  18.     {
  19.                 // AudioListener.volume = volume;
  20.                 AudioListener.volume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Sound");
  21.                 PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Sound", volume);
  22.                 PlayerPrefs.Save();
  23.     }
  24. }


This works

function OnSelectionChange(selectedItem) {
   print ("selectedItem = " + selectedItem);

Thanks a lot!
It very helped!

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