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Messages - gouzhun

Pages: [1]
NGUI 3 Support / Close shot on arbitrary postion of UITexture
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:57:11 AM »
Hi there, I wanna creat a cartoon pictures player with UITexture,
While playing a list of pictures, need a close shot on some part of
the picture, the part is arbitrary.
How should I make this?

NGUI 3 Support / Is it possible masking sprites by creating a shader.
« on: October 06, 2014, 02:32:29 AM »
Hi,I've searched all the forum topic, I know that sprite can not be masked and
UIPanel texture based clipping can not solved my problem.
My situation is :
1. UISprite icon represent weapon fragment which is a weapon icon with masked part.
2. Can't use UIPanel texture mask, because in bag, not just weapon fragment, but also
    Weapon, potion, cloth...
3. I have not only one mask type texture, so I can not put the mask data on the sprites
    texture's alpha channel.
4. Considered using UITexture, but worry about the performance.

So anybody has a solution for me,will really appreciate it. thanks~~ :)

Pages: [1]