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Messages - jdunity

Pages: [1]
Misc Archive / Re: Pro Inventory for NGUI
« on: December 30, 2014, 03:01:34 PM »
Thanks Aren, just added the demo scene to dropbox:

Misc Archive / Re: Pro Inventory for NGUI
« on: December 28, 2014, 02:32:17 PM »
Hey Aren, it's great to hear about your windward's inventory system.

The asset is intended for people wanting an inventory system working in about 3 minutes, and who want to focus in design instead of coding the inventory. I also like implementing my own solutions too, but when it comes to adding fast functionality with great performance, that's when assets get useful. Like I did buying NGUI which I loved  :D

Here's the video with your suggestion, I improved the design using 2D instead of 3D. let me know if you like it better  :D :D :D

Thanks, btw this is the first asset I'm making :)

Misc Archive / Re: Pro Inventory for NGUI
« on: December 27, 2014, 01:02:01 PM »
Thanks a lot for the advice Aren, I'll do that for sure. I am currently talking to an artist who's going to make some images, to include them in the package with an example scene an give them for free use.

Besides from that, how do you see the inventory? Any other suggestion?

Here's the documentation PDF so you can see how it works better.

Looking forward to more reviews from the forum.

Misc Archive / Re: Looking for a patient C# and NGUI professional! $
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:46:33 PM »
Here is your solution:

Hope that helps!!

Misc Archive / Pro Inventory for NGUI
« on: December 25, 2014, 11:42:52 PM »
Hello guys, it is my pleasure to present to you a solid inventory system solution for this great Interface System.

Introduction Video:

Demo Scene:

You know what you need and here is what the Pro Inventory for NGUI currently has to offer:

-   High Performance
-   Mobile Friendly (Thanks to NGUI)
-   Fully integrated with NGUI
-   Interface Independent (Easy to Customize using NGUI Power)
-   Inventory can be placed on any NGUI Panel (Including Scroll Views)
-   Multiple Inventory Systems can be made (Thinking of a Multiplayer Game, this is it)
-   Drag and Drop System (Configurable Icon Size thanks to NGUI)
-   Items Stacking
-       Items Swapping
-   Unique Items (Perhaps you can only carry one of a kind)
-   Options Window (USE, DELETE, INSPECT) (This can be turned off)
-   Tool Tip Window when hovering over items in the inventory (This can be turned off)
-   Picking up items is available in 2 ways (Touching, PickUp Window, Clicking) Clicking is in development
-   PickUp Window (Can be set for different items)
-   Warning System (Inventory is full? Can’t carry that Item?)
-   Customizable Containers
-   Easy to use and implement Combination System (Make your own recipes)
-   NO CODE NEEDED to use the features above
-   Easy to understand and modify code (Fully Commented and Reliable)
-   Easy to use items, via sendMessage (Make your own functions)

Here is what I'm working on right now:

-   Inspecting Window (3D Inspection of items)
-   Bank (Easy to use and Customizable)
-   Spells Bar
-   Stores and Currency
-   Character Customization Panel
-   Custom Editor on Unity ToolBar
•   Item Creation (Currently done manually)
•   Inventory Creation (Currently done through Prefabs and normal Inspector)
•   Combination Utility (Currently done in the inspector)

Notice: NGUI was only used for interface purposes, none of the features were reused or inherited from NGUI’s Inventory Scene.

The asset is not on the asset store yet as I just finished the documentation, but will be soon enough.
The price will be 15 dollars for the first month, will increase when the new features are done.

What do you think would be a fair price??? :)

Get it quickly and save some development time to see your game out.
I hope you like it and enjoy it.

I'm also opened for comments, reviews or anything to improve the asset.
Thanks to you all and to Tasharen for the great UI system!

Got it, thanks for the soon answer Aren.

Hello Aren, I didn't want to make another post about this so I'll ask here:

I'm coding DragAndDrop functionality, and I'm having problems as OnHover doesn't get called when mouse click is pressed.

How can I change the onHover to be called wether the mouse click is pressed or not?, I can't seem to find the piece of code doing that and you can maybe save me some time as it is your code  :D, If you can point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.


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