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Messages - StabbAmonte

Pages: [1]
That was the first thing that I checked when I noticed the issue they are the same as they were before the update. Also I revert the update the clipping works fine and the scene is not modified by the update anyway, it's not the clipping settings.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Two ScrollView questions
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:29:56 AM »
1) After adding all the dynamic objects to your UITable  call UITable.Reposition() then call UIScrollView.ResetPosition()

2) Sounds like you might have the "Restrict within Panel" option set to true. You need to disable that if you want to be able to slide objects off the panel and not snap back into on the panel when you let go after dragging.  "Restrict within Panel" is a check box in your inspector when you select your UIScrollView in the scene.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: [3.5.6] Culling issue? Elements are hidden
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:35:19 AM »
I have experienced a similar issue that was fixed by calling this and passing in the parent game object after adding all of my child objects.


NGUI 3 Support / Re: Scroll View and Depth?
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:29:46 AM »
You say that the Sprite objects are parented to the Grid at run-time and from looking at that hierarchy each Grid is on a different panel.  The way nGUI rendering works is that each Panel is rendered completely based on the Panel Depth so all objects (Widgets, Sprites, etc.) on a Panel are rendered before the next Panel.

>Panel 1 (depth 1)
     > Sprite A (depth 100)
     > Sprite B (depth 101)
     > Sprite C (depth 102)
>Panel 2 (depth 2)
     > Sprite D (depth 10)
     > Sprite E (depth 11)
     > Sprite F (depth 12)

Even though Sprite D, E and F have a lower Depth than Sprites A, B and C the Sprites A, B and C will be rendered first because they are on a Panel with a lower Depth. Basically EVERYTHING on Panel 1 is rendered before ANYTHING on Panel 2.

You also said that when you drag and drop the Sprites the order gets messed up and looking at your hierarchy your DragDropContainers and not children of the Paneld they are children of the Root. I think that you need to make some changes to your hierarchy to get the rendering in the correct order.

Hope that helps.

NGUI 3 Support / Re: transition between menu's
« on: February 04, 2015, 01:15:51 AM »
You can use TweenPosition or TweenAlpha or a combination of the two to create a simple transition.  Just add those scripts to your Menu objects and in your code where you are calling SetActive to enable/disable the Menus use the Tween objects PlayForward() to activate and PlayReverse() to deactivate.

ArenMook, I copied that script line for line and there are several compile errors:

Assets/Scripts/Game/Input/TouchScriptNGUI.cs(19,25): error CS0426: The nested type `Touch' does not exist in the type `UICamera'
Assets/Scripts/Game/Input/TouchScriptNGUI.cs(58,22): error CS0117: `UICamera' does not contain a definition for `GetInputTouch'
Assets/Scripts/Game/Input/TouchScriptNGUI.cs(58,48): error CS0426: The nested type `GetTouchCallback' does not exist in the type `UICamera'

This seems odd considering that this post is only about 10 days old.

I tried to change UICamera.Touch to UICamera.MouseOrTouch but that did not help, I think there is a deep issue I may be missing.

I recently updated to the latest version of nGUI (from 3.7.6 to 3.7.9 as of this post) and got the same errors.

Any help is appreciated.

I searched the forum to see if anyone else is having this problem and I found a bunch of threads about quality settings being the issue.  I checked the quality setting and they are not the issue. I even deleted all quality setting except for "fantastic" and the problem still occurs.  They were working correctly before the nGUI update and I even shelved all the changes for the update (using Perforce for source control) and the problem went away when I went back to v3.7.6.  I have no other local changes to my code base except the nGUI update.

Any help is appreciated.

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