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Messages - Bill.Smock

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NGUI 3 Support / UIKeybinding Xbox Controller issue
« on: June 02, 2016, 06:40:10 PM »
Using UIKeyBinding and UIKeyNavigation I've successfully gotten through NGUI 3.6.0 tutorial #3.  The navigation works perfect.  The button, however, only works once on the color change.  So if I hit A (joystick 0) on make red the color changes to red.  The problem is that it changes red on every single button.  The mouse still works correctly - red to red, blue to blue, green to green.  The only problem appears to be using the joystick button.  All of them have Modifier = Any and Action = Press And Click.  I've restarted Unity and it still doesn't work.  Oddly, it switched from only changing to Red to now only changing to Blue. 

edit:  Okay I referenced one of the examples and found that UI Key Binding isn't necessary because it will default to A and work correctly.  However, what if I wanted to use a different button, do I somehow need to override A?  If I switch to UIKeyBind to B (joystick 1) I run into the same issue.  No one in their right mind would ever use B for a menu item, but I'd like to know how to make it work. 

TNet 3 Support / Re: Best practice question
« on: June 02, 2016, 12:58:51 PM »
After looking through the tutorials and playing around with them (automatic state saving is incredible, btw), I have just a few more questions that I think will help me get enough understanding to start implementation.  I think these mostly touch on fundamentals and "the big picture" so hopefully it's not asking some things I should be figuring out on my own.  Just want to be sure I'm understanding the system correctly. 

1.  If I use the standalone server executable you provided, when you say 'save to the server' (e.g. Target.OthersSaved), where exactly is that going?  And how is it retrieved after a disconnect and reconnect?  What if the server instance is different next time, or is that impossible?

2.  I've decided against any multiplayer battling as it would increase the scope of my game too much, so I'll be doing co-op (peer-to-peer) only.  Is this how the server setup works:  player chooses online or whatever at menu and they end up creating the lobby, at which point I call "TNServerInstance.Start()" and then I'm all set to add other players and the original person who's client called TNServerInstane.Start() is the host? Also, does host PC control all AI and spawning, all those things that we associate as being controlled by the server?

3.  In reference to number 2 - will properties be saved locally to each player that is connected?  If it's using TNServerInstance.Start(), I need the data on their machine instead of the server's host so they can load the data without the same exact server instance. 

4.  I want to do 4 player coop that allows for a mixture of x number of local coop + x number of online players (e.g., 2 local players and 2 single players from online).  When I do this, it will simply be two instances of player on the local coop machine and the RFC is just called to broadcast to the other online players while each of the two players is handled locally, right (i.e. both player/character instances will have isMine != null)?  The player will choose a name for their saves initially.  Also, the input per player distinction is handled by rewired so it's very simple and already set up. 

5.  RFCs.  This game is going to have a lot of things going on at once and the player controls must be really tight.  One problem is that the movement is completely non physics based - horizontal and vertical transform positions are manually altered every frame.  Will I instead need to use Lerp or Slerp or some other way, or is it OK to send input updates for vertical and horizontal axes very frequently (maybe 10x/second or more) with SendQuickly?  And then for syncing - your autosync script looks really complex, couldn't I just send a RFC with exact transform coordinates every second or so?  I am willing to take the occasional teleport over a performance hit and/or jittering. 

Okay that turned out to be more than I intended sorry about that.  This should be all I need to jump right in, pretty excited to get this running and make a lobby with NGUI.

TNet 3 Support / Re: Best practice question
« on: May 26, 2016, 04:54:57 PM »
Thank you for the clear response and advice.  One thing I don't understand - I'm completely ignorant of this whole thing - is what server am I supposed to connect to?  Your videos say a port and IP like it's some arbitrary number I choose.  Can I use a UNet server?  Or would I have to rent from something like Multiplay?  This is assuming a lot of people (obviously not hundreds of thousands) play the game. 

TNet 3 Support / Best practice question
« on: May 20, 2016, 07:02:47 PM »
I need a small nudge in the right direction.  I'm making a game but don't want to build everything and then find myself thinking "shit, should have done things differently."  Networking summary:  2 player co-op, 4 player multiplayer.  The 2 player co-op will require data saves (50+ attributes to each player object), the 4 player multiplayer will not require any saving.  Also relevant to my questions the co-op can also be done locally, as well as single player.

1.  I have Easy Save 2.  Should I be using TNet instead of ES2, for all of this?  Should user preferences, button maps, all that be saved with TNet even though much play will be local?

2.  To get this on steam - just set up a multiplayer in this way and then deal with steam API when I have access?

Thank you very much.  I will definitely be buying this since your support is amazing.

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