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Messages - galuodo

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
NGUI 3 Support / Re: Bug? Input label turning into asterisks (****)
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:52:35 PM »
do not use the string from UIlabel.text, use UIInput.text instead

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UI Label line count
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:02:39 PM »
CalculatePrintedSize return the size of the text, and you should multiply the size of the font to get the how much pixels does it takes. like (int)(UIFont.CalculatePrintedSize(text).y* font.size)

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Change Shader Property
« on: June 02, 2013, 09:20:35 PM »
use UITexture

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Change Shader Property
« on: May 31, 2013, 12:02:14 AM »
I have an alternative solution, and now is optimizing. :)

NGUI 3 Support / Re: Chat example with scroll (TOUCH)
« on: May 18, 2013, 04:55:52 AM »
u can refer to Example 7 - Scroll View (Panel)

NGUI 3 Support / Re: NullReferenceException UISprite.OnFill
« on: May 14, 2013, 08:57:56 PM »
I have the same problem in 2.5.1

NGUI 3 Support / Re: 2.6.1 - Dynamic Fonts - Changing the Material
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:59:07 AM »
the filter mode of texture of font's
Text shows well in point mode

NGUI 3 Support / Re: 2.6.1 - Dynamic Fonts - Changing the Material
« on: May 07, 2013, 12:26:12 AM »
Just update, it's already a part of 2.6.1b.

Is it possible that we can set the filter either?

Sometimes it caused by the max size of texture.

NGUI 3 Support / Two questions aobut 2.6.1
« on: May 05, 2013, 10:01:07 PM »
Now, I updated my NGUI to 2.6.1 var, dynamic font seems very exciting!!!However, there is a problem when I import package: IN line 116 UIAtlasMaker.cs, SystemInfo.maxTextureSize cannot be find( and my unity version is 4.0.0), so I change that to
  1. int maxSize = 4096;
, and i don't if it may lead to  further problems.

And when I import a TTF file, I find the filter cannot change, the text, therefore, is a little blur, so Is there any method to change the filter mode?


NGUI 3 Support / Can greyscaled sprite be impliment now?
« on: May 03, 2013, 12:58:04 AM »
Greyscale sprites of items and skills are usually used in gui to indicate inactive, and create another image of greyscale will cost too much spaces. I tried to use a shader, but it will change the whole material in the atlas. So can I change a single sprite into grey or change the sprites under a panel into grey?

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIInput
« on: April 25, 2013, 09:15:07 PM »
If you have the standard version, you can modify the code to implement some useful functions~~
I was assigned to create a input field, however our schedule changed therefore I have to do other part in order to catch the new schedule

NGUI 3 Support / Re: UIInput
« on: April 24, 2013, 06:46:07 AM »
 blinking carat is very easy

  1. void Update ()
  2.         {
  3.                 if (selected && mLastIME != Input.compositionString)
  4.                 {
  5.                         mLastIME = Input.compositionString;
  6.                         UpdateLabel();
  7.                 }
  9.                 if(selected)
  10.                 {
  11.                         if(lastTime>=flashTimer){
  12.                                         caratChar = caratChar=="|"?" ":"|";
  13.                                 UpdateLabel();
  14.                                 lastTime = 0f;
  15.                         }else{
  16.                                 lastTime += Time.deltaTime;    
  17.                         }
  18.                 }
  19.         }

mark text
- copy & paste text from/to clipboard are also can be implement, I know how to do it ,however have to time.

NGUI 3 Support / About edit gui in ngui new version
« on: April 22, 2013, 09:40:49 PM »
We used 2.1.6 to development our gui, and last week I tried to upgrade it to 2.5.1. Some new features like the selection window of sprite is useful, however I find some problems now.

First, NGUI has combined  four kinds of sprite into UISpirte, it is very simple to use, however when we create the shops or items, we used to use UIFilledSprtie and used NGUITOOL NGUITools.AddSprite to add new sprites,
  1.         private UISprite[] m_bagSprite = new UIFilledSprite[ConstPreference.Every_BagItem_Count];
  2.         m_bagSprite[i].type = UISprite.Type.Filled;
  3.         m_bagSprite[i] = NGUITools.AddSprite(anObj.gameObject, m_itemAtlas, "");

it shows bug:
ArrayTypeMismatchException: Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array type.
(wrapper stelemref) object:stelemref (object,intptr,object)

So I change the code
  1. private UISprite[] m_bagSprite = new UISprite[ConstPreference.Every_BagItem_Count]
and the the type of the sprite to "Filled", the bug still there. So how can I use the filled sprite.

Second, seeing the image of sprite is very useful, however sometimes, when I want to add an Image Button, I really need to know the name of the sprite.Can the name of sprites displayed under the images?

The last problem, using the handle to directly modify th size of sprites in edit mode is cool, however our these sizes is alreadly decided, and sometime I want to change the position, I click the handles and change the sizes, it is very uncomfortable, can I disable those handles?

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