« on: December 17, 2013, 12:41:19 PM »
Alright, good to know im not doing EVERYTHING wrong =P
So, im trying to do something which is probably not the most recommended stuff but due to how my hierarchy is and how my scripts go, I have one panel for the general menu layer... what I am looking for is to have a particle that goes behind one of the buttons, but ahead of the buttom`s background frame. So, before, I had only one panel with a ton of stuff.
Now, since I make some tweenings of a lot of stuff, I wanted the buttons to stay in the same panel as the background, so I can tween em all together. Since I HAVE to add another panel for the sandwich, I just added a UIPanel to an empty game object, which holds the button. However, in the hierarchy it is a child of the original panel, basically one panel inside the other. Is this a problem?
Also, by toying with the Render Queue number of both panels... Ive noticed there is some stuff not even related to NGUI (my scenario model) that is actually changing... some misterious shadows are appearing out of nowhere by changing this number... and still I am not being able to have the particle in between the two panels, either its in front of everything or its behind everything... is it because I have a panel inside a panel?
And... should my scenario be changing based on the gui panel render queue? =P Man I gotta say... I am starting to miss my beloved Z axis...
Edit: Even taking the inside panel outside of the hierarchy of the first panel... I cant get the particle system behind one and ahead of the other panel... its either behind both or in front of both... as if the Render Queue was not by panel but by whole UI... by Camera... something like that...
Edit2: Ok, I managed to get the particle system behind one panel and ahead of another... problem was that ALL panels in the scene must be "Render Queue: Start At", or else they all just start at 3000 anyways. However....................... What if I need to play ANOTHER particle system, but this time ABOVE the buttom and everything? In other words... Panel -> Particles -> Panel -> Particles... is it even possible?