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Topics - leegod

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
NGUI 3 Support / Prefab Toolbar does not appear well?
« on: August 11, 2014, 10:12:25 PM »
I am newbie at ngui and just before installed newest version, 3.6.9 and unity4.5.2f1

So I am watching tutorial video1(setup) at this site, but my Prefab Toolbar shows empty icons only.
(image attached)

Why? I imported ngui 2-3 times from asset store, I dont think I have missed file.

NGUI 3 Support / Are there thing NGUI can't but EZGUI can?
« on: June 02, 2013, 12:21:02 AM »
as title,

and vice versa quetion.



So for developing android game, screen resolution is very annoying problem even if start develop.

I use LG Optimus G, its resolution is 768 * 1280, most recent ones(Galaxy S4, etc) is 1920 *1080 (Full HD),

whereas olders are 480 * 800, even lowers.

So how deal this problem?

At unity, after switch platform to Android, at game screen, there is some resolution options, but my monitor is 2560 * 1080, which even can't properly show 800 * 1280 portrait because of lack of vertical resolution.

Anyway, even if I make android game's GUI based on 480 * 800 at unity, how can I know it shows exactly same ratio and position I intended at other resolution android devices?

How deal this problem?


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