« on: April 06, 2014, 11:36:12 AM »
Hi, I had some of these problems too, what i did:
Scroll view's hierarchy:
- Scroll View ( UIScroll View )
-- Scroll Container ( Box Collider, UITable in my case, UIDrag Scroll View )
--- 01 Items
--- 02 Items
- The list gets created with a big empty space on top, but if I click on the scrollbar, the list fits correctly. UIGrid Pivot is already set to TopLeft.
I changed UIScroll View's Content Origin to another value, then returned to TopLeft and fixed the problem.
- I selected Alphabetical sorting, but the items are placed kinda randomly. In the scene Hierarchy, instead, they are sorted correctly.
I'm using scene hierarchy sorting too.
- All the items seem to have an offset of 1 pixel to the right.
- I can't find a way to have hard clipping, there is always at least 1 pixel of alpha clipping.
I don't know, in my case UITable has an Advanced Anchor for Scroll View only for Left and Right.
The items have Anchors Unified for Scroll Container.
- The scrollwheel isn't scrolling the list.
Use UIDrag Scroll View.
Hope it help!