NGUI 3 Support / Another 'Shader wants normals' Question
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:21:43 AM »
Going off what I've seen before, here is some info up front:
-I've checked and re-checked and all UI in the scene comes from Atlases that use a "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader. There is no real lighting in the scene, just a lightmap. The warnings also only show up when I've got a UIPanel Inspector window open in the editor.
-I've turned off almost everything in my UI except for one UISprite box collider than when clicked on shows a single Simple type UISprite, and I still get the warning....I don't know what else to do at this point other than just enable normals for the UIPanel, but I'd like to know why this is actually happening.
-I've checked and re-checked and all UI in the scene comes from Atlases that use a "Unlit/Transparent Colored" shader. There is no real lighting in the scene, just a lightmap. The warnings also only show up when I've got a UIPanel Inspector window open in the editor.
-I've turned off almost everything in my UI except for one UISprite box collider than when clicked on shows a single Simple type UISprite, and I still get the warning....I don't know what else to do at this point other than just enable normals for the UIPanel, but I'd like to know why this is actually happening.