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Messages - rxmarcus

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NGUI 3 Support / Getting Button that called function
« on: August 29, 2014, 10:24:24 PM »
I love how easy it is to have a button in NGUI call a function on its click event.  What I am wondering is how can I have multiple buttons call the same function and in the function know which button the call came from?  I have a big scroll view list of about 50 buttons, and so it would be nice to have 1 function that all the buttons call and inside the function know which button called it and then handle the event accordingly.

I would think there has to be a way to do this?  Can I add some type of parameter to the function that will accept the button object that calls it?

any help would be great, thanks

NGUI 3 Support / Re: About moving ui object
« on: July 22, 2014, 02:10:57 AM »
I wanted to add my vote for moving multiple UI objects at once as well. I'm creating a bingo game, and so I have 25 bingo tiles that I've made with NGUI.  To move them one by one is super tedious and would be an amazing time savor to be able to move multiple NGUI objects at once.  Please make this happen, and thanks for a great product!

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