Just for completeness... It works fine with the AssetStore. In our plugin/middleware projects we just select the Assets folder and they automatically remove the AssetStoreTools folder. I've been doing it this way with all of our plugins for quite some time. It installs as expected and is very clean, works for JavaScript and C# and is really designed to be this way, so things run in the right order (Plugins first, etc). I have told the AssetStore guys to make this clear so many times but they haven't done so.
What is really nice, is that if you release a second plugin or extension, and have common code, you can put it in a folder and it will merge on import automatically. What I mean is, if you have these two pacakges to import:
- Assets
--- Plugins
----- Tasharen
------- Common
--------- SomeLib.cs
------- NGUI
--------- ...
- Assets
--- Plugins
----- Tasharen
------- Common
--------- SomeLib.cs
------- OtherPlugin
--------- ...
You end up with:
- Assets
--- Plugins
----- Tasharen
------- Common
--------- SomeLib.cs
------- NGUI
--------- ...
------- OtherPlugin
--------- ...
From a user standpoint it is more clear too, since all my plugins are in the plugins folder and their editors are in the same folder but under Editors.
The other nice thing is that you don't have to ask people to move files around, which makes installing updates kind of confusing.
I know this would be a big change. I am just sharing for information's sake. I learned this stuff over the last year+ as we released our three packages.
P.S. I know nGUI is not meant to be used side by side with EZGUI, but I needed both in my project as I switch over. I bet there aren't many users that would switch at such a late stage in their game, but it would have been nice to have a warning anyway. I didn't expect you to actually change your code. I simply refactored all the EZGUI types to have "EZ" before their names, then imported nGUI without issue.
Thanks again for nGUI. It is fabulous.