My object always seems to be stuck at 0,0,0 after I instantiate it.
I made sure the static flag was not set on my UI Root.
I made it a child of the UI Root by using NGUITools.AddChild(uiRoot,prefab)
And I set the prefab.transform.localPosition
What else could cause this to be stuck at 0,0,0?
Using the panel tool I can confirm the prefab is a child of the UI Root
_uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root");
_cardToolTip = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/UI/cardToolTip")) as GameObject;
.transform.localPosition = new Vector3
the _cardToolTip is always at 0,0,0. If I move the prefab around it will update on the screen it just seems setting in my code has no effect.