Recently upgraded from version 3.0.9 to 3.7.6 and found that one of our UI elements has some very strange behavior during runtime.
Here's what the anchoring and sprite look like in editor. I've tried anchoring it a few different ways (normal offset or based off current position, for example).

However, at runtime this is what happens. Note how the battery is skewed. It's caused by the offsets you see in the inspector. If I reset those all back to the in-editor values, it looks fine.

I'm observing this in Unity 4.5.4f1.
It's worth noting that (as far as I can tell) we're not modifying anything related to this sprite's position / scale, or its parent's scale, besides calling MakePixelPerfect during initialization.
What could be causing this? As I mentioned above, this only started happening after upgrading to the latest version.
I would be *extremely* grateful for any help tracking down and solving this issue.