I'm experiencing big issues related to performance on iphone. I have a simple menu with this structure

The classical UIRoot(mainmenusd), the camera, and finally attached to the camera I have 2 panels (backgroundpanel and mainoptionspanel) with a bunch of widgets each one. Profiling with xcode I see how the heap grows at an insane rate forcing the garbage collector to appear and screwing my framerate. The more widgets that I have in each panel the more the heap grows.
If I reduce everything to just 1 panel and 1 widget (the background image for example), then the memory allocation is 0 and the heap stays in the same "position", but as soon as I start adding widgets, the memory grows and grows with no control at all.
It doesn't matter if the widgets are within the camera view or if I move one of the panels outside the screen to slide it in (with a tweenposition), the results are the same, the heap grows really quickly
Am I doing something wrong?, is this an expected behaviour?, in case you ask, yes I'm using the latest version as well as previous versions of NGUI with the same results