If you just so happen to be playing with the widget creator and are wondering, "hmm, what can we do to make this better", I have a couple of asks.
When adding a button, the next button defaults to being under the button you just added so to add a group of buttons to the panel, you have to keep clicking panel after each one. It would be cool if this were configurable so those of use who add a boatload of things to a single other thing have fewer clicks.
Speaking of adding things to other things, I like to start with the sprite and add the scripts rather than with the defaults and remove scripts. But unlike buttons, I can't add anything to sprites. I would love being able to work this way as it's more intuitive for me.
That said, I'd love it if we could set the X,Y scale of objects as we enter them for when we want a different scale (1, .5 for example). Setting this on 28 identical buttons laid out in a UITable prompted me to make this request.
On the positive side I'm able to do what I want with it so far which makes me happy. Great product.