I notice an error when using Unity 5.1.3, maybe it has something to do with it all???
1.) Deleted NGUI Folder
2.) Downloaded latest NGUI
NGUI/Editor files in package
FreeType.dylib (should it be named FreeType64.dylib)?
3.) NGUI -> Open -> Font Maker
Error: Assets/NGUI/Editor/FreeType64.dylib is missing
4.) Terminal goto Assets/NGUI/Editor/
cp FreeType.dylib FreeType64.dylib
Check that it has same permissions
5.) Back to Unity, now dialouge popup
Copying /Volumes/Work/Unity/xRockets/Assets/NGUI/Editor/FreeType64.dylib to /usr/local/lib/FreeType64.dylib: Permission denied
6.) Back to Terminal,
sudo cp FreeType64.dylib /usr/local/lib/FreeType64.dylib
7.) Back to Unity
Cancel the dialouge and now Font Maker looks good
8.) Select font
Unity now crashes
My crash log