That is the latest UICamera script as far as I know. I just updated from the Asset Store. I did not edit the code (I never do, I always copy code if I am going to work on a third party plugin)
I know what the error means

I posted the traceback as part of a bug report. Here is the line in Notify at line 540:
static void Notify (GameObject go, string funcName, object obj)
go.SendMessage(funcName, obj, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); // <----- line 540
I searched for all references and it looks like UICamera is the only script that runs this. The lines that I see that run Notify with an "OnSelect" message are:
...NGUI\Scripts\UI\UICamera.cs - (305, 7) : Notify(mSel, "OnSelect", false);
...NGUI\Scripts\UI\UICamera.cs - (322, 7) : Notify(mSel, "OnSelect", true);
...NGUI\Scripts\UI\UICamera.cs - (991, 7) : Notify(currentTouch.pressed, "OnSelect", true);
Note they all pass a bool but the function takes an object. Is bool derived from object?