I just updated a build of my game because everything was testing fine, but things are most definitely not fine!
The build looks like this on the PC:
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-4SkJrON54QTXlQNWdaSlRZOU0but as soon as it's unpacked and installed on android (I have two different devices, same results) THIS happens:
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B-4SkJrON54QNVNLYVdwNE5weDAThe confusing part is the previous build works fine! And all I remember changing is swapping out the script XML file! This is some sort of panel layer/clipping issue, as the panel the character is in is set to clip him (not see his feet), another sliding panel shows the items outside the panel clipping, and I guess there's some sort of layering problem thats making the text and buttons disappear. The confusing part is everything else still works. I can scroll the window, and click where the button should be to advance the story.
So.. what might of happened? And how can I get this fixed quick!
EDIT: Well that's annoying. I can see the picture linked on my Google Drive in the post, but other's cant. provided share links in the mean time