I have a request. Because of the script execution "bug" I've encountered earlier (old forums), I've made a modification to NGUI that fixes it.
The problem was that some things tended to only be drawn an update later than it was activated, causing a single frame of empty screen, which is weird in a paged menu.
I've added two methods to UIPanel.cs and UIWidget respectively to get this to activate and draw immediately.
public void RefreshNow()
gameObject.BroadcastMessage("ManualUpdate", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
virtual public void ManualUpdate()
if (this.enabled) panel.AddWidget(this);
Every time I update NGUI (which is quite often, go Aren) I have to add this again, but since I could see others having the same problem, I want to request that this is added to NGUI (or something of a similar fashion).