I found an issue with the position of PopupList in NGUI.
I use NGUI’s UIPopupList.
I created 4 UIPopupList and when I click on each of the 4 buttons, the position of the drop-down list is different.
The position is normal only for the first drop-down list (attachement: UIPopupList_1.png), but the second drop-down list’s position is too high (UIPopupList_2.png), and the third and fourth ones are even higher (they hide the original button) (UIPopupList_3.png, UIPopupList_4.png).
For reference, I set the position of the UIPopupList as “Below” (UIPopupList_Inspector.png). I need it to be below for my game’s features.
These are my specs:
*Unity 3D engine: 5.4.4 f1
*NGUI Version: 3.11.1
Please let me know how to fix this.
Thank you