Hi All, I have recently switched from using NGUI fonts, with a texture atlas, to ttf fonts in Unity due to having to use them for localization, with all those accents and Chinese characters.
When you are using a UILabel NGUI puts up something saying that fonts may disappear, which they did, so I tried to figure it out.
What I noticed was that the Spacing I have for the characters was set to something like -35, but when I set it back to 0 then everything seemed to work fine.
I am using NGUI 3.9.0 and Unity 5.6.1p1. So maybe it has been fixed in later versions of NGUI. But in case anyone else was having this problem, that was how I fixed it.
TLDR - Check your Y spacing if your dynamic Unity fonts disappear. (set it to 0 or small negative number if you need some closer spacing)