I Like to switch to another way of doing it:
I like to chain Sprites and Label's together using Tables and Anchor's.
But a wired misbehavior is occurring if i have a A table with some elements and i like to anchor another Label to one object of the the Table.
There is a very big offset that should not be there.
If i take the same object out of the Table , everything is working fine and the wrong offset is gone.
MMM looks like the Draggable Panel is messing around too ... (All Panel's are uniformed scaled at 1).
My setup is
---UITable + UIAnchor
------Tabel Content
If i activate The UIAnchor (witch is Anchor to the UI label) the object is moved by -4000 Units in Y direction
else if (widgetContainer != null)
// Widget is used -- use its bounds as the container's bounds
Transform t = widgetContainer.cachedTransform;
Vector3 ls = t.localScale;
Vector3 lp = t.localPosition;
Vector3 offset = widgetContainer.pivotOffset;
offset.y -= widgetContainer.relativeSize.y;
if(this.gameObject.name == "2")
Debug.Log( offset.y );
/// ergebnis: -12
offset.x *= (widgetContainer.relativeSize.x * ls.x);
offset.y *= (widgetContainer.relativeSize.y * ls.y);
rect.x = lp.x + offset.x;
rect.y = lp.y + offset.y;
rect.width = ls.x;
rect.height = ls.y;
if(this.gameObject.name == "2")
Debug.Log( rect.y + " " + rect.yMin +" " + offset.y + " " +widgetContainer.relativeSize.y + " " + ls.y);
////Ergebis -4032 -4032 -4176 12 29
just cant figure out whats going wrong.