Hi there, quick question:
Is there a built-in way to cancel a touch when the user drags his finger past a certain threshold, away from the button which was pressed? For example, in my HUD controls, I have 2 buttons next to each other, 1 for going left <-- and 1 for going right -->. Let's say I start the touch on the left arrow button, when I drag my finger onto the right arrow button, I want to cancel the left arrow button touch and activate the right arrow button touch, without having to lift my finger.
Before I started using NGUI, I was achieving that by doing:
if( leftArrowRect.Contains( myTouch ) ) DoSomething();
else if( rightArrowRect.Contains( myTouch ) DoSomethingElse();
which would automatically cancel 1 button press for the other.
Thanks for your time!