using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Radar : MonoBehaviour
// radar! by oPless from the original javascript by PsychicParrot,
// who in turn adapted it from a Blitz3d script found in the
// public domain online somewhere ....
public Texture blip ;
public Texture radarBG ;
public Transform centerObject ;
public float mapScale = 0.3f;
public Vector2 mapCenter
= new Vector2
50); public string tagFilter = "enemy";
public float maxDist = 200;
void OnGUI()
// GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS (, Quaternion.identity, Vector3(Screen.width / 600.0, Screen.height / 450.0, 1));
// Draw player blip (centerObject)
// float bX=centerObject.transform.position.x * mapScale;
// float bY=centerObject.transform.position.z * mapScale;
.DrawTexture(new Rect
); DrawBlipsFor(tagFilter);
private void DrawBlipsFor(string tagName)
// Find all game objects with tag
GameObject[] gos = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(tagName);
// Iterate through them
foreach (GameObject go in gos)
private void drawBlip(GameObject go,Texture aTexture)
Vector3 centerPos=centerObject.position;
Vector3 extPos=go.transform.position;
// first we need to get the distance of the enemy from the player
float dist=Vector3.Distance(centerPos,extPos);
float dx=centerPos.x-extPos.x; // how far to the side of the player is the enemy?
float dz=centerPos.z-extPos.z; // how far in front or behind the player is the enemy?
// what's the angle to turn to face the enemy - compensating for the player's turning?
float deltay=Mathf.Atan2(dx,dz)*Mathf.Rad2Deg - 270 - centerObject.eulerAngles.y;
// just basic trigonometry to find the point x,y (enemy's location) given the angle deltay
float bX=dist*Mathf.Cos(deltay * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
float bY=dist*Mathf.Sin(deltay * Mathf.Deg2Rad);
bX=bX*mapScale; // scales down the x-coordinate by half so that the plot stays within our radar
bY=bY*mapScale; // scales down the y-coordinate by half so that the plot stays within our radar
if(dist<= maxDist)
// this is the diameter of our largest radar circle
.DrawTexture(new Rect
); }