I've been using NGUI for my project for a while now, and it's working really well - except for one very annoying issue which I hope is just something on my end and can be fixed somehow.
Basically, whenever I create or replace a font using the NGUI Font Maker, there's a chance that Unity will crash - and once I have started it again, the atlas that font was in will be corrupted - all the textures are still there but the references for them seems to be messed up - an example here:
If I use the Atlas Maker to reimport the textures affected, this solves the issue - however, this affects fonts as well and the only way to fix these is to replace them using the Font Maker - which has a chance of causing the same problem again. Furthermore, sometimes the atlas seems to get messed up even without Unity crashing - always when doing something related to fonts, however.
This turns creating fonts into a russian roulette where every time I create/replace a font there's a chance I'll have to replace all my fonts again. I'm thinking I might be doing something wrong when creating the fonts. Here is one of my font folders with some of my fonts - .txt file, images, and prefabs:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7821237/fonts.zipI'm using the same .txt for all of these since the only thing different between them is the color. I'm using Unity 4 on Windows 8 - some help in this matter would be greatly appreciated, since I'm really stumbling in the dark here.