I can't seem to get this to work properly. UITweener.amountPerDelta always returns 1 for me, but maybe there's a different way for what I want to achieve.
When a panel is first displayed I want a button to fly into the screen - doing this through TweenPosition. When the user is finished with the screen, I want the button to fly out of the screen. I used to do this with TweenPosition.Toggle(). It seemed to work fine, but for some reason, occasionally it did not, especially when I kept going back and forth a lot for testing. So, I tried to call TweenPosition.Reset() every time I wanted the button to fly into the screen, but that started to mess up everything. Then I tried to directly write to the to and from positions but it didn't work either.
It appears as if once the button has flown in and out, the script is no longer willing to tween. Is there some command I need to call to properly reset this or than forced the script to tween even if it has completed a tween before?