Hi Aren,
Thanks for the reply, and sorry I didn't post earlier. I was not using UIImageButton, I was using UIButton. But I was able to fix the issue. Read the same fix (spriteName) you posted in some other thread. Thanks again.
Rite now I am having another issue if you are kind enough to help me with it. I am trying to set a texture using UITexture and I have read I can directly set the UITexture.mainTexture property. Put when I do this it shows an error saying UIWidget.mainTexture is read only.

Here is what I have done:
public UITexture crosshair = null;
public Texture crosshairTexture = null;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
crosshair.mainTexture = crosshairTexture;
Please let me know what I am doing wrong or if I am missing something..??