Thank you Aren I could set my materials by doing what you told me too.
I declared my materials into public array (so I could assign them in the inspector), and then all a RFC by specifying an int relating to my array's index I want to ...
I also could succesfully update Tnet. Nevertheless, the only thing that appears to be not working anymore is the "auto sync".
I have an AI "patrol-like" in my game. Until now I was using Auto Sync to keep it simple (it's just a prototype after all ... ). It was working fine (even if there was some latencies issues, because it's a mobile game connecting to a server set on an Amazone Instance).
The AI is "pre-built" on my scene.
It has a script which make it move from a waypoint to another, avoids walls, and reacts to a particular event.
It also has a Tn Object on it, and a "Auto Sync" with every checkboxes checked.
Now, the AI appears at different places on screens. Any idea about this ? (I have no clue, I just updated Tnet, tried to reassign an Auto Sync... ) .
Is there any known issue concerning the "Auto Sync" component ?
Anyway thanks again for you support !
EDIT : more details concerning my AI object ^^'
EDIT 2 : All of the sudden it is now working >_< (I didn't change anything). Thank you anyway Aren :p !