Hello guys, I spent some hours to merge most of the great works done by great people in the top thread, and made a merge package for NGUI 2.5.1.
Here's some merge node:
1. UIFont and UIFontInspector dynamic font support from @Unisip.
2. yOffset logic and inspector support from @zh4ox and @Mudwiz.
3. Support clipping, Clip shaders from great @Nicki. As hard clip is not suggested, use alpha clip instead.
As dynamic fonts are only avaliable in unity 4.x, this package does not support 3.x.
How to use this package to setup dynamic fonts:
1. Import font ttf file and set font size to 1.
2. Create a new gameobject, attach a UIFont script and make this a prefab.
3. Adjust prefab inspector values.

Font Type: Choose DYNAMIC.
Font: Drag your ttf file into this slot.
Material: You need to create a new material with "Unlit/Dynamic Text Shader" for
each different font, same font with different size can use same material.
Size: the font size you want.
TTF Size: size of the ttf import setting, as this situation, set it to 1.
Const Offset: default the text's y offset is not correct(still no solution yet), and this value can be different for different fonts. You can adjust this value to fit the texts in box, other sizes of the same font will mostly be correct.
4. Create UILabel using this prefab as UIFont and that's it.