There is some algorithms that is better to have access to all touches instead receive separate events.
Because I didn't found any easy way, I hacked UICamera with the following function:
EDITED > The code below didn't work in some situations in android. It is better to create your own centralized input.
static public MouseOrTouch[] GetTouches() {
var list
= new List
>(); for (int i = 0; i < mMouse.Length; ++i)
if (mMouse[i].pressed != null)
for (int i = 0; i < mTouches.Count; ++i)
if (mTouches[i].pressed != null)
return list.ToArray();
1) There is another way to access this information without change NGUI code?
2) This information could not be provided by I reason, so, I could have problem in use it in "Update"/"LateUpdate" methods?
3) We could have something like it in next release?