New version with NGUI 3 support has been released on the store.
Asset Store Link1.5.0
- NEW: NGUI 3.x support added.
- NEW: Maps are now rendered on Quad's instead of UITextures due to a glitch with its material matrix.
- NEW: Added depth property for maps.
- NEW: Revamped inspectors make it them easier.
- NEW: Updated demo skin.
- NEW: Scene bounds are now calculated automatically if there is any change on the current scene.
- NEW: Its now possible to preview scene bounds on scene view.
- NEW: Now minmimap inspector will round size and margin.
- NEW: Map icons interaction can be now enabled or disabled.
- NEW: Added double resolution rendering.
- NEW: Map icons now can be selected. Added a new option on the editor so is now possible to select which sprite use for selection display of any specific icon type.
- NEW: Its now possible to render multiple terrains.
- NEW: Added default empty icon type so NJGMapItem can be assigned to an object using this type to just reveal FOW.
- NEW: UILabelCoords now have 'format' property so it can be cusomizable.
- NEW: Toggle keys (rotation lock, world map etc) will not be triggered when an input has focus.
- NEW: Added a prefab ready to drop it into your own UI.
- FIX: Scenes that are not positioned at 0,0,0 can be rendered without issues.
- FIX: Minimap and Worldmap inspectors now save properties as they should.
- FIX: Simplified prefabs hierarchy.
- FIX: Few more bug fixes.
- DEL: Removed Update Bounds button since its no longer needed.