Author Topic: WorldToScreen issue  (Read 2663 times)


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WorldToScreen issue
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:40:20 AM »
First of all, thanks for a good GUI system that is actually made to work as Unity does! =)

Now to my problem, im doing a (semi)simple 2D UI and i need to have gui objects oriented around objects in worldspace.
Right now im using Camera.worldToscreen (the camera that renders my 3d(ortographic) and not the camera that rendes the ui).
I have a bottom left anchor and then simply put the localposition of my worldtoscreen result and everthing works fine on ipad2. maybe there is another way i didnt think of? Either way, i have automatic height off, build for the new ipad. all the objects i have created in the scene works brilliantly but all the coordinates i convert with the worldtoscreen seems to be about doubled. What am i doing wrong?



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Re: WorldToScreen issue
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 09:30:59 AM »
Figured it out, since my root has automatic turned off I will have to scale the worldtoscreen result myself!